What aboug games like Sound Shapes? Isn't that like the perfect middle ground? Can play for hours, or can get a few minutes in, not 3D, but still simple graphics.
See I have the exact opposite opinion than you do. I like being able to upload my save game from my Vita and throw it on a console and continue while I charge up the other one. Or like last night I got home from work and my wife wanted to watch South Park on Hulu and I wanted to play games. I booted up my Vita, and I did Remote Play on Knack and went to the bed and laid down next to my wife. My Knack save file is set to hard, and while it wasn't a perfect experience (a bit of stutter) I was able to get further on it than I was on the PS4 the night prior with help from my Wife.
I like playing Console games on Vita, I like playing Handheld games on consoles. I like the freedom. I don't mind playing 20 minutes of Towerfall Ascension and then going to play 15 minutes of "Let's Suck at Resogun" If nothing else I like having handheld games on the PS4 because of being able to hit share and show my friend in Arizona a game that he can buy on Vita or broadcast and skype him while I play it.
I prefer as many games on as many platforms, for as little double dipping as possible. Indies tend to be the least greedy. Not always the case but... When I buy a game, and then every Sony system they release it on, gives me a free copy? I get super stocked. Even though I hadn't started Rainbow Moon yet I bought the Vita edition because they gave a half price discount on the Vita edition and so I felt like maybe they couldn't afford to do all that work for free, and I like to support companies that will at least meet me half way. That understand they shouldn't just scalp for the purpose of scalping.
So completely opposite side of the spectrum. I want as much choice as I can and for as little as I can get away with. If Strider was cross-buy I'd own it.