Bad Gamers Ep. 80: Post Comic-Con, The Last of Us Movie and PC Gaming


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
On Bad Gamers Episode 80, @Dan Oravasaari talks about why San Diego Comic Con sucks, @Chandler Wood tells us why SLC has the best Comic Con (I'm lying), and the two of them compile a wishlist for the best fighting game of all time. If anyone reads this, don't forget to email them about why you're in the PC Master Race. They want your hate... and love, I guess.


Convention Talk
Everything is expensive. Everything has a niche. If you don't know, you don't know. I don't know.
Why did Dan go to SDCC if he hates it? lmfao

The Last of Us Movie
The Last of Us Remastered came out (review), and SDCC told us that there is going to be a movie? Sam Raimi is directing a movie with Bruce Campbell and Maisie Williams as Joel and Ellie? Dammit, I'm going to watch it if that is true! I know it probably isn't going to be as good as the game, but I love Bruce Campbell. I'm sold.


Super Mortal Kombat Cross Tekken Cross Street Fighter Ultra 4 Complete Edition

SMKxTxSFU4xCE wasn't a myth. I won't accept anything else, unless they want to add Guilty Gear to it as well. I could accept that.

Tekkens have come and gone since I last played Tekken 2. Some people in the comments for articles told me that I've missed out on a lot of stuff, but the hype is over for me already. Maybe when these newer games come out and some marketing is thrown into them; maybe then I'll try to play one. As of now, Tekken x Street Fighter is vaporware to me.

Destiny's One Map Per Planet?
I don't care about this. When you play an open-world game, does it really matter how many entry points there are to get somewhere? For a single map, Old Russia was kind of large. If people aren't happy with maybe 10-20 (I don't know the exact number) maps of those sizes justifying their purchase, then what is really going to satisfy them? There are at least 2 expansions announced. Bungie are basically making a neo-Azeroth (World of Warcraft) within an FPS. I don't know what the full scope of the game is going to be, but I could see this being a really long game with a lot of stuff in it.

How many hours have people sunk into this map?

PC Master Race

John Romero publicly announced that he was part of the PC Master Race. Coolstorybro. Dude, you created Doom. Seriously, we knew already. You can have your fragmented file systems, lack of hardware support, and all that comes with it. I'll take my dated hardware for $400 and enjoy myself. As for free-to-play killing developers - when? I don't remember this killing over 100 devs. Devs die when their products aren't bought enough. I'm not sure that f2p is the cause of this.


He's smiling because he gets his computer supplies for free.

Episodic Games

So you guys review each episode and then review the full season independently as its own story? I never took a notice to that, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. It's kind of great because you take into account that each episode is an incomplete game, but it's also cool for people like me who don't buy episodes and want to know how the full story works together.

What I don't like is how it's inconsistent with how PSLS does other reviews. For instance, there is a review for The Last of Us (PS3), and there is a review for The Last of Us: Left Behind (DLC). There is also a review for Killzone: Shadow Fall, and the Killzone: Shadow Fall Intercept DLC. However, there wasn't a review of The Last of Us + the DLC until the Remastered version came out (like with Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition). Is this going to be a special format (going forward) for episodic titles?

I've still not played The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, or anymore of these games. They've been low priorities for me as my backlog grows. I plan to pick all of them up on Vita eventually (if they all show up there), though I have already paid for the Jurassic Park game on PS3. Maybe I should play it.
I gotta applaud Dan for not being a complete fanboy during the PC segment. I love my ps4 as much as the next guy but srsly, I think chandler's arguments were horribly outdated and inaccurate. Perhaps I'll send him an email about this soon... The only point that I'll bother disputing here is the issue of exclusives. If anything, console exclusives are becoming rarer, while pc exclusives are gaining more steam(get it?).
@stolenxnametag With episodic games, we're basically trying to take on the same format that Metacritic does. The full game review is a bonus, but Meta does each episode separately. Personally I think it's a bit odd because the people who are going to read said review are the ones who are already interested.

What ought to be done is an Episode 1 review, and then a full game review when it finishes. I don't understand the stuff in between, but that's how we're doing it.

@bigwilybobbily My arguments may be outdated, but so is my computer >.< hahah. I've tried to get into PC gaming, I really have. I just can't do it. I hate mouse and keyboard controls, hate how solitary it is (my wife can't sit at the computer desk next to me while I play), and I love never having to worry about optimization, paying for more parts to fix and/or upgrade. I don't necessarily care about the best graphics or whatever. In the end, I still played Watch_Dogs, and Assassin's Creed, and whatever else was on PC as well. It's graphical fidelity made no difference in my experience. Not saying PC is bad, just saying that both have their place in the industry.

Also of note, Danganronpa 2 is on its way to me right now. :)
Tried to get into pc gaming but i just couldn't get into it, dunno why but i get more joy from console gaming. One thing that gets on my nerves is the pc master race fanboys, they are annoying as hell. The guy who created doom, he sounds rather arrogant.
@Chandler Wood Metacritic does it that way? Damn, I hadn't noticed. That makes a bit more sense.
Also, I think you and @Dan Oravasaari should do either a BG episode or some other feature about what you guys do with review copies. I'm guessing they're not all digital, right? :D

The guy who created doom, he sounds rather arrogant.
Doom? Please. Everyone knows that Quake is where it was all happening. :D

Perhaps I'll send him an email about this soon...
Please do! The email segments on BG and Morning Wood are the best! :D
@stolenxnametag I hate mouse and keyboard controls, hate how solitary it is (my wife can't sit at the computer desk next to me while I play), and I love never having to worry about optimization, paying for more parts to fix and/or upgrade.

Also of note, Danganronpa 2 is on its way to me right now. :)

I hate KB+M controls too, which is why I play my PC games on the same tv I play my ps3/ps4 games. With the same wireless DualShock 3 controllers too. Pc games aren't locked to a monitor like many people think. I pretty much only game on my couch regardless of platform. Also, considering the frequency of sales, you easily make up any hardware cost differences with the cheaper games.

Additionally, you may have played AC and Watch_Dogs, but games at 30fps are inherently inferior. Not bad, but if there is the possibility to play at 60fps I'll take it. I can still play games at 30, but 60 is just way better for gameplay(I prefer 30 for cutscenes). If you've tested out the 60fps vs 30fps options on TLOU: Remastered I'm sure you'll agree.

That said, I'm so excited about Danganronpa 2 that I'll have to avoid reading your review. I can't handle even the slightest spoiler about that(I know you're very careful in your reviews). In fact, I may have to disconnect my internet for the next month, you can't be too careful.
That said, I'm so excited about Danganronpa 2 that I'll have to avoid reading your review. I can't handle even the slightest spoiler about that(I know you're very careful in your reviews). In fact, I may have to disconnect my internet for the next month, you can't be too careful.
^^^ HAHAHA Yessss!!

I try to avoid reviews when I know for sure that I'm buying the game already, even if the spoilers aren't intact. :D

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