Don't Starve Cross Buy Doubt: Owners of PS4 Version (without DLC) will get Vita version for free?


PSLS Level: Newbie
Hello people

I have some doubts about the launch of Don't Starve: Giant Edition for Ps Vita.

Some days ago Jamie Cheng, founder of Klei Entertainment., said that the game will be Cross Buy and "If you own Don’t Starve on PS4, you get the Vita version for free, and vice versa" (Font: ).

What I don't understand is if a person own Don't Starve on PS4 without the Reign of Giants DLC, he will get the PS Vita version for free? Or he will only get the Vita version if he has both Don't Starve and the DLC Reign of Giants?

I really appreciate any help.

Igor Padrão
Recife - PE - Brazil
As far as I can tell, even if you have the original game without DLC on PS4, you will get the complete version on Vita for free. This means that Plus owners who had the game on PS4 get this Vita version for free now.

I guess we'll find out if this is totally accurate today!
I love the game and it will be nice getting it free on the vita. I have already have it on 3 systems I don;t know if I would have bought it for the vita but if this is the case then awesome I will be able to use this a lot....

Every gamer needs to alt east try this game... so rare that a game like this comes around...

EDIT Yeah I just downloaded the Don't Starve for the Vita and it was free...

I have to say sony has really hit it out of the park... also since I had Mine Craft for the PS3 it is only 5 bucks to get it on the ps4 instead of 20... So that is pretty awesome...

It says 19.99 on the main menu but once you click on it and go through it is only 4.99 for uses that have it for the ps3.
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