Free maps confirmed coming in next patch for TLOUR!

I was just talking about people who labelled me as a "whiner" and "self-entitled" for asking something that has positive benefits for the whole community. I can't even comprehend how someone would disagree given the points I mentioned and the feasibility of releasing the maps for free. I still can't get my head around how paid maps are better for the community.

Also, they said they "listened to the community". They had plans to release them paid as mentioned in the OP, matchmaking issues were mostly fixed with LiveUpdates. They don't have to release free maps as a "thank you", and I appreciate that they did. Please understand that paid maps are a lose-lose situation for everyone.

Also, dragon82 mentioned they would go out of business for releasing two maps for free. Does that mean ND will go bankrupt following this announcement? :D
I stand by my *facepalm* as you continue to post. Obviously they will not go bankrupt for releasing "two" free maps.

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