FFX Lightning Strikes


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
Anyone have a strategy for dodging 200 consecutive strikes? I honestly don't remember how I did this as a teenager!
:p Back in the original FFX days, I head of people using modded controllers to get them through. When I think of FFX, this is the first thing that comes to mind. I was lucky to get past 5 but I was the type that tried to "beginners luck" my way out of this. I always asked friends who had the game what their strategies were. Being the cocky asshats that they were, I never got a legit answer. Eventually after the 10 time trying, I gave up. I wish I could offer assistance but I couldn't do 10% of the actual amount.
I must've been seriously jacked up on coffee and Mountain Dew or something, wishing that Surge would make a comeback.
Anyone have a strategy for dodging 200 consecutive strikes? I honestly don't remember how I did this as a teenager!
Apparently there is a crater that triggers a lightning strike in the second section of the Thunder Plains. If you can get the timing right, you can basically run around in circles and repeatedly dodge the triggered strikes. I haven't attempted it myself yet (this time around), but I'll update when I do.
If you can find some Mellow Yello, if I remember correctly, its the same thing.
I must've been seriously jacked up on coffee and Mountain Dew or something, wishing that Surge would make a comeback.
For a little more help, if you can find some Mellow Yello, it's essentially Surge.
Patience, luck, and anger control. Pretty much how I did it. Though I did it only once and vowed to never again.
Here ya go! Great guide for how to force the lightning strikes (heh, Square Enix has been forcing the "Lightning" strikes...). Once you can get the flow of the timing, you are golden.
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If you can find some Mellow Yello, if I remember correctly, its the same thing.

For a little more help, if you can find some Mellow Yello, it's essentially Surge.
Surge has a bit more lime than lemon flavor. There was a 7up energy drink (dnL, 7up inverted) for a while that tasted like Surge, and Mountain Dew Distortion tasted like it, too. Mellow Yello tastes more like Mountain Dew.

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