Destiny PlayStation Exclusive Content


PSLS Level: Bronze
The Destiny page on was updated today with lots of info and pictures of the exclusive content.

In addition to everything shown there, each expansion will also come with additional exclusive content. Though, obviously, none of that is being revealed yet.

The weapons and armor look great, the sad part is that they'll likely be relegated to early game usefulness and be completely useless come late game. Here's to hoping they make multiple versions of each, or at the very least multiple level sets.

The ship skins are purely aesthetic, I'll probably be rolling the White/Blue skin on my Warlock.

MP map... don't care.

The meat of the exclusive for me is the strike, though the longevity of it's usefulness is also in question. I had a lot of fun running The Devil's Lair during the Alpha, so getting more strikes is always a plus in my book. The problem I'm worried about is how they are going to make the content useful and worth playing at higher levels (endgame). Normally it'd be a 'veteran' version of the content where you'd just balance it around level cap. However, this may not exactly be as easy in Destiny because it uses a 'soft' level cap system (max level is 20, but gear contains a 'light' attribute that increases your level beyond that).
Multiple levels can help. The strike in the Alpha had two different difficulty levels to choose from, giving a vastly different experience depending on which you choose. The difficulty seems to be on the higher end in Destiny anyway.
There's no doubt about that, the problem I forsee is what they intend to balance around. Generally Veteran dungeons are balanced around max level and a certain gear level. But since Destiny has a soft cap on level and weapons vary greatly, it'll be interesting to see what they actually balance around.

In thinking about it a little more, that's probably why they added in the gear efficiency rating when you start a strike.
There's no doubt about that, the problem I forsee is what they intend to balance around. Generally Veteran dungeons are balanced around max level and a certain gear level. But since Destiny has a soft cap on level and weapons vary greatly, it'll be interesting to see what they actually balance around.

In thinking about it a little more, that's probably why they added in the gear efficiency rating when you start a strike.
Ah yeah, I forgot there was that feature. This is very true. Even maxed out level-wise, the Strike in the Alpha was quite difficult (and I loved every moment of it).
There's no doubt about that, the problem I forsee is what they intend to balance around. Generally Veteran dungeons are balanced around max level and a certain gear level. But since Destiny has a soft cap on level and weapons vary greatly, it'll be interesting to see what they actually balance around.

In thinking about it a little more, that's probably why they added in the gear efficiency rating when you start a strike.
What do you mean by a soft level cap?
What do you mean by a soft level cap?
A soft cap is where there is a cap, but you can exceed it.

In Destiny the soft cap is Level 20, at which point you'll have all your main abilities and you'll stop leveling. When you hit level 20 gear will start having a news stat called 'Light.' As you accumulate light you'll gain additional levels. Here's an example:
Notice how the character sheet say he's level 20 but the badge in the corner says he's 29, that's due to the 118 Light. We don't know the formula yet for levels in relation to light.

With that said, you still gain XP once you hit level 20. Abilities can still gain XP to unlock different variations and your character still gets XP for kills/actions. However, when you would traditionally level up you will instead gain a Mote of Light which can be used to buy gear.

TLDR; Level cap is 20, can exceed that cap by finding/buying gear with the Light stat.
A soft cap is where there is a cap, but you can exceed it.

In Destiny the soft cap is Level 20, at which point you'll have all your main abilities and you'll stop leveling. When you hit level 20 gear will start having a news stat called 'Light.' As you accumulate light you'll gain additional levels. Here's an example:
Notice how the character sheet say he's level 20 but the badge in the corner says he's 29, that's due to the 118 Light. We don't know the formula yet for levels in relation to light.

With that said, you still gain XP once you hit level 20. Abilities can still gain XP to unlock different variations and your character still gets XP for kills/actions. However, when you would traditionally level up you will instead gain a Mote of Light which can be used to buy gear.

TLDR; Level cap is 20, can exceed that cap by finding/buying gear with the Light stat.
Gotcha. Thanks for the info bro. Definitely explained it.

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