final fantasy x simple tip


PSLS Level: Bronze
I'll start with must have bribing

- Level 3 Key Sphere x40 for 900,000 gil from the Demonolith
- Level 4 Key Sphere x2 for 196,000 gil from the Chimera Brain
- White Magic Sphere x2 for 256,000 gil from the Dark Flan
- Black Magic Sphere x2 for 152,000 gil from the Black Element
- Skill Sphere x2 for 360,000 gil from the Zuu
- Special Sphere x6 for 1,088,000 gil from the Adamantoise
- Door to Tomorrow x2 for 74,000 gil from the Mech Leader
- Mega Phoenix x2 for 8,600 gil from the Alcyone
- Chocobo Wing x60 for 360,000 gil from the Machea
- Ether Turbo x16 for 81,600 gil from the Thorn
- Wings to Discovery x4 for 540,000 gil from the Marlboro
- Pendulum x99 for 1,400,000 from the Ultima Weapon
- Rename Card x10 for 157,000 gil from the Zaurus
- Remedy x80 for 92,980 gil from the Lord Ochu
- Winning Formula x15 for 900,000 from the Sand Worm
- Supreme Gem x20 for 260,000 from the Halma
- Healing Spring x20 for 90,000 from the Octopus
If you are going for trophies, make sure to follow a guide for the Al Bhed Primers. There are some that are missable, meaning it is the only missable trophy in the game. Everything else can be achieved at any time.
I was thinking of picking up the guide from gamestop tomorrow. I just want it for Primers, Blitzball stuff and FFX2
Here's a tip: Unless you just absolutely want to, don't worry about getting everyone's "final" gear. Get one character to break the stat cap and you can beat the game easily. I'll never forget killing Jecht and Sin with one hit each using my badass Kimahri!
I completely forgot to get this game. Turns on Vita and heads to the PS Store.
I was getting really pissed off that the Vita store update was late this week because I wanted to play this game on my last day off from work. I turned it on this morning, and it's like everything came back to me. Also, I think I found an Easter Egg:


The team being represented on the logo to the right may or may not be from Kingdom Hearts. My new hypothesis for KHIII: Jecht is the true Xehanort.
Early potion farming:
Before you go to Besaid when you're with Rikku and friends, a guy on the deck of the ship will give you 3 potions prior to you and Rikku diving. If you go to the underwater cave and come back, then he'll give you 3 more. Rinse and repeat.

X-potions and Hi-potions:
You can farm these by fighting the machina on dock 3 in Luca before you face the Goers for the tournament. I had 99 Hi-potions and over 30 X-potions in like 45 minutes.

Beating the Goers:
That was the most fulfilling trophy I've ever earned. I didn't even know there was a trophy for that! The score was 0-1 Besaid, and I barely got to make the Jecht Shot to get that one goal. Once you do it, though, you can keep your main character (whoever has the ball) near Keepa, and the other team won't come after you. Check YouTube videos. :-D

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