

PSLS Level: Newbie
Hello everyone!

My name is Michael. I have been visiting the site for a while now and recently submitted a question to Morning Wood (ep. 75 regarding photo modes in games). I also decided to sign up for the forums here because it seems like a kind, small community in which I can have intelligent conversations with like-minded folk.

A little bit about myself, I'm 21, so I'm fairly young. The PlayStation was one of my first consoles and is what really got me interested in games. My favorites were probably Crash 3 and Tekken 3, but I also enjoyed countless others that I cannot think of at the moment. I primarily like to play games on my PlayStation systems, but I also enjoy mobile and PC titles as well. One of my favorite things to do is to take screenshots inside games. I've loved doing this ever since I first used the camera in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. Creating something that will last forever from some of your favorite games is just a great feeling that I cannot easily describe. It's just lots of fun, really.

I look forward to meeting many of you and becoming a part of one of my favorite online communities. Cheers everyone!
Awesome! Welcome to the forums, i hope you enjoy yourself here as much as everyone else. Also check out the psls thread about psn screen names. Swing over to it and you put your name down or make friends of your own by sending others friend invites! The more the merrier after all.
Hello everyone!

My name is Michael. I have been visiting the site for a while now and recently submitted a question to Morning Wood (ep. 75 regarding photo modes in games). I also decided to sign up for the forums here because it seems like a kind, small community in which I can have intelligent conversations with like-minded folk.

Excuse me sir, but it clearly states in our bi-laws that we do not accept intelligent conversations.. so please kindly leave :)
(ep. 75 of morning wood...) I remember when ep 1 first came out... has that much time really passed?...

Anyway Welcome to the board, I'm sure you'll enjoy our company as we enjoy yours!
Welcome to the best community of gamers on the Internet!

Membership here automatically grants you the licence/lisence to carry on conversations with other members in the most individualized, personable, intelligent and often sarcastic manner available on the world wide web.

Wow, I'm late to the welcome party! Welcome @Kestrel! I hope that you are still enjoying your stay with us.

Feel free to post your captures in our PS4 and Vita screenshot threads. That PS4 share thread is looking particularly empty these days. :D
Welcome to our family. Feel free to comment, give feedback and ask for help when you need it. Your opinions and experiences about gaming are very important to all of us. Enjoy your place at PSLS and remember that you are one of us. One of the warriors of our great rising army of gamers that stick together to the end.

Maybe Im a little dramatic but I love gaming so Im proud of what I am. :)
welcome bro you have came to the best place im sure youll find the community great in here...Enjoy!!!!

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