

PSLS Level: Bronze
Hello! I'm Raincoat! I was talked into joining by a few friends of mine that I know from a now dead gaming forum, though the only one who's name I know here is Chalryn (hi Chal!) Anyways...

I love gaming, especially RPGs, RTS, and hack and slash type games... reading, writing, history, art and my pets are my hobbies... erm, I really suck at these introduction posts... ask if you would like to know specifics?! Lol :)
Hey there! Welcome to the forums, as usual it's nice to meet a new person, it's all fun and games here so enjoy yourself! Feel free to add some of us to your buddy list even. I've had a couple of friends join but they seem to be more the lurking type. Pets make awesome hobbies btw, hope to see alot of ya on the forums. Don't worry about your intro, it was good.
Welcome! We have a fairly diverse community that is also open minded. So feel free to drop into any posts you see of interest, or start some up. Let any of the staff members know if you have any problems or questions, but we do also have a few ambassadors floating around who should also be of help. All of that said, I hope you enjoy your stay. :)

P.S. Good intro.
Hello! I'm Raincoat! I was talked into joining by a few friends of mine that I know from a now dead gaming forum, though the only one who's name I know here is Chalryn (hi Chal!) Anyways...

I love gaming, especially RPGs, RTS, and hack and slash type games... reading, writing, history, art and my pets are my hobbies... erm, I really suck at these introduction posts... ask if you would like to know specifics?! Lol :)
Welcome to the forums. Glad to see that you decided to join. We have several RPG fans here on the boards, so there will be several people you can talk to. Not sure what kind of art, but we have a Signature of the Month thread going on in the Drawing Board section of the forums. Other than that feel free to look around and be sure to ask any questions if you have any. :)
Hello! I'm Raincoat! I was talked into joining by a few friends of mine that I know from a now dead gaming forum, though the only one who's name I know here is Chalryn (hi Chal!) Anyways...

I love gaming, especially RPGs, RTS, and hack and slash type games... reading, writing, history, art and my pets are my hobbies... erm, I really suck at these introduction posts... ask if you would like to know specifics?! Lol :)

I am actually kind of hurt that you don't know that the other one is ME!! Glad to see you finally get around to posting, we Dreamers need to take this forum by storm.
I am actually kind of hurt that you don't know that the other one is ME!! Glad to see you finally get around to posting, we Dreamers need to take this forum by storm.
Welcome to the forums Raincoat! Always glad to see a new face... err... avatar. We're very avid pet lovers here too, with my one-eyed cat often making appearances on the podcasts we do every week (both video and audio). What pets do you have?
Welcome to PSLS! The only place to get any news worth anything about PlayStation! ;) Hope to see you post on a myriad of topics.
Hiyooo~! Welcome aboard!

In her defense, you went by Voyou San back in the Dreamers days. =p

I love gaming, especially RPGs, RTS, and hack and slash type games... reading, writing, history, art and my pets are my hobbies... erm, I really suck at these introduction posts... ask if you would like to know specifics?! Lol :)
Your introduction post was much better than mine! Is there a game that you really like and want us all to know about? If so, consider starting a thread in our Community Reviews subforum. I've been anxious to see more content there. :-D
Thank you, everybody, for the warm welcomes! I can tell I'm going to like it here! I would have responded sooner but my tablet seems to dislike the reply form, thankfully a computer is in my future!

I love Playstation! If it weren't for Nintendo being my first love, the Playstation would be my favorite :3

I love doing digital art, if I had a computer I would be all over that contest! Haha

I currently have a young dog, and two kittens. In June I will be getting another puppy and putting myself through puppy training again, haha, bt I'm excited. I love all animals, and have spent a lot of my life living/working on ranches and farms :)

Yes, Lifewish! As Chal said, you will always be Voyou San to me! And yes, I will try talking more Dreamers into joining :3

I am excited to start looking around more and getting involved! I hope I answered everybody's questions, if I scroll on my tablet while replying it likes to play mean little freezing games.
I will try talking more Dreamers into joining :3
What's this "Dreamers" you guys speak of?
Sounds like a bunch of Hippy nonsense.

Welcome Raincoat! I like ranches and farms; lets go shoot guns together sometime.

Here's a video of my last gun shooting event. I'm the one in the white robe:

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