Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 SISTERS GENERATION


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Well even though i really despise this series for being generally lackluster, I am actually having some fun with this game so far. Yes, the story is boring, the characters are rather meh, and there is far too much fluff that drags on way way way way way too long.. however, the combat lends itself just fine to the Vita and there is enough fun there to keep me entertained for short stretches on the Vita..

Stay tuned for a review closer to launch but so far i give it a 2 meh's with one "hey, that's kind of cool"
Not fair! this would have been my thread but the game's not out for the general public yet! Haha.

Glad you're somewhat coming 'round! Nep-Nep would be proud!
Well even though i really despise this series for being generally lackluster, I am actually having some fun with this game so far. Yes, the story is boring, the characters are rather meh, and there is far too much fluff that drags on way way way way way too long.. however, the combat lends itself just fine to the Vita and there is enough fun there to keep me entertained for short stretches on the Vita..

Stay tuned for a review closer to launch but so far i give it a 2 meh's with one "hey, that's kind of cool"
You have to just really like the whole "Console Wars" parody they do.
You have to just really like the whole "Console Wars" parody they do.

I understand the jokes on the whole console wars thing, but they just aren't funny.. I mean I really try hard to smirk or laugh at them and nothing happens..

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