I am new to playstation world

Like for starters the online gameing. you have to pay to play others online right, but you can make friends for free? also what would be a good action adventure game for someone like me who doesn't really like war games minus RE series cause zobies are dead anyways.
Free to play games do NOT require PS Plus subscription.

Warframe, H1Z1, DC Universe, etc.

Subscription games DO require PS Plus, Final Fantasy FFXIV.

Black friday PS Plus goes on sale some years.

The free games you get from PS Plus make it worth it alone. Not to mention game sales get pretty cheap with it. Get PS Plus, not for online gaming, but because it'll make you wish Nintendo had Nintendo+
Free to play games do NOT require PS Plus subscription.

Warframe, H1Z1, DC Universe, etc.

Subscription games DO require PS Plus, Final Fantasy FFXIV.

Black friday PS Plus goes on sale some years.

The free games you get from PS Plus make it worth it alone. Not to mention game sales get pretty cheap with it. Get PS Plus, not for online gaming, but because it'll make you wish Nintendo had Nintendo+

I buy lots of indie games but there are some I just don't think I would enjoy and I love ps+ for that. I actually dread when AAA titles start showing up on psn.

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