Import Gaming

Oh, okay. That's how DW games are, too, only with Chinese history. Warriors Orochi games have characters from all of those TK hack n' slash series, and they made up a new story for all of these characters to share together. hahaha
Personally this the best way to describe Warriors Orochi 3 watch these videos
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Oh, okay. That's how DW games are, too, only with Chinese history. Warriors Orochi games have characters from all of those TK hack n' slash series, and they made up a new story for all of these characters to share together. hahaha

yeah it's nothing like dynasty warriors or warriors orochi. the style is different as are the characters, design, and the story far different.
I've always wanted to do import gaming... but... I never really did any. Closest I got was one of those hacky cards for the DS, and I put on Jump Superstars on the thing.
One game I would love to see localized would be Puyo Puyo Tetris. I really don't see why Sega doesn't bother with it as Tetris is popular around the world. It will also count as another attempt to bring the Puyo franchise here in America. It will also be multi-platform. It has the basic modes of both franchises as well as online mode, something I wish I could have tried when tetris PS3 came out. It will also count as a Tetris game and Puyo game for the Vita and Wii U (I really dislike the psp MiNiS version). I'm pretty sure there are other reasons to localize this game, but I'm sure it will never happen. Might just import a copy in the near future of either the Vita or PS3 version.

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