Injustice: my 4 year old playing

I think your 4 year old might be able to take me in Injustice. Looks like you have a natural gamer right there. :)
Nice video, do you have a you tube channel? If not you should make one, put your videos on there and give us all a link. That way we can all see them and also people outside of the site can as well! It will also save you the trouble have having to create a thread for each video.
Thanks b
Nice video, do you have a you tube channel? If not you should make one, put your videos on there and give us all a link. That way we can all see them and also people outside of the site can as well! It will also save you the trouble have having to create a thread for each video.

Thanks buddy, yeah I have a channel, it's Nelfars, if you click the link

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