PSLS Level: Bronze
- Minecraft: Playstation 3 + Vita Edition will be available on the PSN in August.
- It will include all the features from the most recent Playstation 3 version, including online play on Vita.
- This means everyone who has bought Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition from PSN will get it on Vita for free. Those fluent in Sony-speak might refer to the deal as “Cross-buy.”
- We are working closely with Sony Computer Entertainment to look into ways to enable upgrade from the Blu-ray disc version of Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition to Minecraft: Playstation 3 and Vita. We’ll have more info on this closer to release.
- Minecraft: Playstation 3 + Vita Edition will cost $19.99.
- It doesn’t matter if you buy for PS3 or Vita first, you own the game for both platforms.
- Saves are transferrable between the Playstation 3 and Vita versions of Minecraft. You will be able to craft at home on your Playstation 3, then continue on the bus/toilet with your Playstation Vita.
- All of the DLC you’ve purchased for Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition will work on Playstation 3 + Vita Edition.