Morning Wood Ep. 060: Octochan (Nobody Suspects a Thing)!


PSLS Level: Bronze
@D'yani was pretty spot on with your animorph representation @Chandler Wood. Your slender frame leads to a smaller bodied animal like a pom, bird or snake. I don't think you have the type of personality that would fit a snake but I could definitely see a bird.

Octodad Coop
To be honest, I thought that the coop with the tentacle switching was going to be a lot more challenging and frustrating than what you guys experienced. You really made it look easy. Is there a coop mode that doesn't include the roulette option? I'm pretty sure your coordination could win you quite a few 3-legged races. You guys should enter some competitions.

Exclusive DLC
I can see why devs/publishers/console manufacturers (Who ever is in charge) do these party favor add-ons. I feel its one of those "Thanks, but no thanks" situations. I can't think of one example of these specific types of dlc that was actually "rewarding."

Gaming excitement
As a baseball fan, the ps4 version of MLB: The Show is my excitement game. My excitement level was knocked down a couple pegs being that the game was not only released first on ps3 but is also a month off from the actual opening day. For those who are not into sports, the anticipation for opening day is surreal. Every team starts with a clean record. Assumptions can be made in the off season but until you actually see your team take the field, you feel that this year could be the year your team either breaks out or continues their push for a championship. With the delay, it feels like Christmas in the middle of January. It's great that I'm getting presents and all but there isn't the environment that comes along with opening presents with everyone else. I can't wait to see what E3 has to offer. Feels like forever since the last time I was crazy hyped for a game not having to do with baseball.

Wee games
D'yani was pretty spot on with her commentary of getting to play these smaller titles. A lot of the PS+ titles that have been release would have instantly gone to my backlog as they do on the ps3. I don't think I would have even cared if Rayman Legends/Tomb Raider/ were released had it not been for the lack of games. But it is really nice to get a chance to play titles that would have otherwise waited until they were price dropped to 20 bucks. It is cutting into my ps3 backlog time that continues to grow with every passing day.
Mechanical Animals
I picture @Chandler Wood and @D'yani being well-suited as animals from a Sonic the Hedgehog game. Maybe like Scratch and Grounder??
Who is who? I'm not sure.

@SightfulRage is right - you guys made it look really easy, but watching my wife and her sister play it made it look much less easy and much more wild. I have to say this, though: Chandler and D'yani's commentary over the multitude of Easter eggs was great!

Exclusive DLC Woes
Yeah, that always made me cringe a little. It seems like the pre-order DLC that I want always comes for games that I forget to pre-order, but then I'll pre-order something else, thinking, "Oh, this will come with something cool! It has to!" Most of the time, I am wrong. Now I just pre-order games that I am really going to want to play immediately. Otherwise, they just get backlogged for having shitty exclusivity.

Also, I feel kind of ripped off when I buy a game like MGSV: GZ or ACIV: Black Flag and the exclusive DLC either feels unfulfilled or later gets released for other platforms. NetherRealm did it right with Mortal Kombat - we got Kratos on PS3 and Vita, and nobody else did. That's the kind of exclusive stuff that I like. I would definitely like to see more options like this on future titles.

Where are the AAA titles???
These types of problems are among the many things I enjoy about PSLS. Sure, my PS3 gets backlogged by a bunch of indies through PS+, but websites like PSLS highlight the ones worth playing on all PS consoles. That helps me to sort out what look great and what looks... like Basement Crawl.

Also... I'm going to keep saying this: STOP THE HD REMASTERS FROM PS3 TO PS4!!! Pre-PS3 games are fine, but that's just because I find trophies to be a good enough reason to replay FFX / FFX-2 and Kingdom Hearts, which are all AWESOME games. Tomb Raider was convenient for me because I didn't get it on PS3, but then it came out on PS+ a month or two later for free on PS3. Wtf? I guess that's what it's like to be donkey punch'd by devs.

I'm still ready to see some stellar JRPGs, even though I doubt that I'll be seeing any turn-based gems with giant maps and a million side quests unless they're SRPGs / TRPGs. I still have my eyes on Muteki Corp. They've done me right with the Dragon Fantasy games, so maybe I will see that series continue to impress me in the future. I certainly hope so, and I hope that other indie devs take note of that series, too. I want more than one company to pump out some quality content!

Story Time
@D'yani needs to use the forums so she can see me post about missing her stories! I need more details about this city so I can help to build it. Sim this place up!
... Oh hey guys, hey! Here I am now! ..... ohhh too late. I'll try to keep up with forums more. I do love me some forums! Hahahaa that Scratch character is pretty perfect for Chandler. And I have to mention that I said he should be a snake because... if he was horizontal he would sort of resemble a snake? Also he's REALLY AFRAID OF SNAKES. SO THAT'S FUNNY.
I'm definitely not a snake person either. I know someone who breeds snakes for pet stores, and they always want me to interact with them. "No thanks," never seems to work. :-(

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