New NISA Trailers


PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita
NIS America has released a couple new trailers over the last week or so for their upcoming Vita games. Here they are:

Natural Doctrine

Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited

htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair

Criminal Girls: Invite Only
What would the Vita be without NISA and ATLUS?

A much sadder place, for sure.

I want 4 of these 5 games, haha.

What are the release dates, do we know?
I have 2 of them paid of already lol.

Natural Doctrine: September 16th
Disgaea 4: August 12th
Danganronpa 2: September 2nd
Firefly Diary: Fall 2014
Criminal Girls: Spring 2015
I have 2 of them paid of already lol.

Natural Doctrine: September 16th
Disgaea 4: August 12th
Danganronpa 2: September 2nd
Firefly Diary: Fall 2014
Criminal Girls: Spring 2015

Thanks! You're on top of this, haha.

So, Disgaea 4 is the first, which is a $40 title. Danganronpa 2 2 weeks later, again a $40 title, so $80 within a couple of weeks.

Might need to sell my liver at this rate, haha.
August 19th is Sword Art Online Hollow Fragment and Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 releases on August 26th.
Yeah... it's a crazy stretch there. Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed is aiming for an August release, and that game looks crazy but fun.

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