New Sword Art Online title teased


PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita


Over 40 hours into Hollow Fragment and still loving it. Will be curious to see if they stick to Sword Art Online, or venture off into Gun Gale Online or Alfheim Online.

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Thanks for reminding me why I rarely... oh so rarely visit IGN (usually to browse for their pics of games).

I love how it has "great combat" & "fun exploration". Yet its mediocre. Umm.... combat is the single most important part.
Fuck sake, might as well rate Destiny with a 5.5. Yeah it's gunplay is good, but the story is dreadful, PVP is a mess. Lacks any interesting characters. Weapons are generic and the game can turn into a boring grind at end game.

This is why I don't read reviews. I only bother with the PSLS and the Vita Lounge reviews. 90% of the others (mainly big sites) all seem to have a stick up their ass.
The features are good at IGN, but really, the reviews for Vita have been pretty crap. 3DS is not far behind.

I think they shouldn't hire people who have an agenda to pursue besides judging whether a game is good or not.

EDIT: Since we don't much like IGN's reviews, I thought I'd mention the places I DO like for reviews.

My favorite is, to be honest, CGRUndertow. The reviews are good, the social relevance is generalized but personal at the same time, and there's some humor to the way the guy does things.

PSLS is pretty damn good as well, although (understandably) a bit too PS centric.

I also like reading the Metacritic scores, but people are a bit backwards there as well.
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i heard that the localization is horrible for sword art online.

grammar mistake etc.

The localization has some obvious issues but to be honest, I skipped through most of the dialogue because I was so pumped up to start grinding again.

I really hope for a new game and even though I didn't care for the anime much after it left SAO, I would still be interested in games focusing on Gun Gale Online or Alfheim Online.

Oh and for an epic review, just check out this one guys amazing Vita import review!
If they have a decent flying system, Alfheim Online could be pretty fun. Plus if they incorporate more of the world it would be kinda neat. The MMO of ALO always seemed neat to me, but the anime's narrative really didn't try to delve into it more than the damsel in distress angle.

GGO could be cool, but I would think the entire gameplay engine would have to under go significant changes (or not.. like I know anything about game development lol).

Who ever did that review did an amazing job selling me on the game. I was practically drooling in anticipation lol
If they have a decent flying system, Alfheim Online could be pretty fun. Plus if they incorporate more of the world it would be kinda neat. The MMO of ALO always seemed neat to me, but the anime's narrative really didn't try to delve into it more than the damsel in distress angle.

GGO could be cool, but I would think the entire gameplay engine would have to under go significant changes (or not.. like I know anything about game development lol).

Who ever did that review did an amazing job selling me on the game. I was practically drooling in anticipation lol

I honestly don't see them being able to add a good flying system into the game, but I could be wrong on that and I hope I am. I do agree too that the worlds after SAO were solid and fun looking worlds, but the narrative was just rather atrocious and boring.
Oh I question the ability to put a flight system in too. Unless it's kinda like some of the Dragonball games, too allow you to fight in midair.

The 'Big' 30 hour of content update is out! Yay! Now I'm called into work on my day off lol. Like that matters though, I'm no where near getting done with the content in the vanilla version.
Oh I question the ability to put a flight system in too. Unless it's kinda like some of the Dragonball games, too allow you to fight in midair.

The 'Big' 30 hour of content update is out! Yay! Now I'm called into work on my day off lol. Like that matters though, I'm no where near getting done with the content in the vanilla version.

Man I need to pick it up again.. just been so slammed with other games!
Destiny/Danganronpa2 took a good chunk of my time. I decided to put platinum'ing DR2 off until I play it on the VitaTV. Just to give myself some time to play other games lol.

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