New User Introduction

I feel like this thread is AA for new users. It's like new user shaming.

"Hi Everyone, My name's Chandler and I'm new here...."

*All in unison: "Hi Chandler".

"I've been lurking the forums for days, but finally decided to post. It was a big step for me"
I feel like this thread is AA for new users. It's like new user shaming.

"Hi Everyone, My name's Chandler and I'm new here...."

*All in unison: "Hi Chandler".

"I've been lurking the forums for days, but finally decided to post. It was a big step for me"

why is your profile pic a picture of Cameron's face :p
I feel like this thread is AA for new users. It's like new user shaming.

"Hi Everyone, My name's Chandler and I'm new here...."

*All in unison: "Hi Chandler".

"I've been lurking the forums for days, but finally decided to post. It was a big step for me"

Nice mugshot Wood.
*logs into PSLS forum like Rick James walked in Eddie Murphy's house before he stomped mud on his couch on the Chappelle Show*

Hi guys, I'm completely new and don't know who any of you are. You see the PSLS level right? Ok. Bye.

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