Obligatory Introduction Thread

welcome to the forums, you won't be bored. there's plenty to read and lots of room for your opinion. looking forward to your posts ^_^
I think there is nothing robust here except maybe for the Forums themselves but yeah. I hope that by robust he means a good conversation and not a fanboy or psycho thread. Those get ugly and are very robust in their way ( most of the time 20 to 50 pages of people hating each other).

Do you think WWII was brutal? Go over the internet, sign in into a Xbox One forum, Make a thread, Write that you think that PS4 is better than X1, Congratulations you have just started another WW and now you must hide. You can do this exact same process but with Xbox One into a PS4 forum. If comments could kill I think gaming would have ended long ago hahahahah.
Hey all
I will now post an obligatory introduction in this obligatory introduction thread. I like games, food, beer, and women. I am looking forward to meeting you, my fellow game, food, beer, and women (or men, whatever floats the ol boat) connoisseurs.
Thanks for the warm welcome gents, @stolentxnametag I also am participating in the extra life fundraiser so I went ahead and joined the team. I will donate to you Thursday when I get paid. Is anyone up for some Destiny on ps4 right now? Add me Rsambenedettoiii and let's party up, I need new friends lol
Thanks for the warm welcome gents, @stolentxnametag I also am participating in the extra life fundraiser so I went ahead and joined the team. I will donate to you Thursday when I get paid. Is anyone up for some Destiny on ps4 right now? Add me Rsambenedettoiii and let's party up, I need new friends lol
Awesome, @RickieBomber! Thank you! :D

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