please stop making the sidebar follow the page


PSLS Level: Newbie
Those icons along the left side, please stop making them scroll with the page. They take up a lot of space on mobile devices and makes it hard to read the article cause you have to zoom in to fit the remaining space instead of the whole screen, making the text too small
Those icons along the left side, please stop making them scroll with the page. They take up a lot of space on mobile devices and makes it hard to read the article cause you have to zoom in to fit the remaining space instead of the whole screen, making the text too small
Thanks for the feedback. We are currently looking into ways to improve mobile compatibility with the site and really appreciate you letting us us know your opinion on it.
Those icons along the left side, please stop making them scroll with the page. They take up a lot of space on mobile devices and makes it hard to read the article cause you have to zoom in to fit the remaining space instead of the whole screen, making the text too small
I second this so hard! <3
Why kind of phone do you have? I find the scrolling kinda helpful, but that's just me.

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