psls pets!

this is Rugby, our dog, probably the only pic we have of him that a computer would actually post, all other pics from my digital camera were too big in file size
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This is our dog Oreo
I'll have to post pics of our cats, Morgan and Ivy. Still working on acclimating Ivy to the new environment so that she gets along with Morgan.
Well mine are brother and sister so it's kind of cheating haha. My 3rd one, Apple, is always off on her own and mad at the world.. of course she only has three legs so that could be why.
Well mine are brother and sister so it's kind of cheating haha. My 3rd one, Apple, is always off on her own and mad at the world.. of course she only has three legs so that could be why.
Your third cat doesn't ever want attention or to play?
I actually just got a new puppy today, a German shepherd x mutt boy named Doc Holliday. I have another girl mutt, Indica, and two girl kittehs, Camelot and Avalon. Pretty sure I unleashed chaos today, bringing home a puppy, but I am used to being around a lot of animals and training them. I'll get some pictures up someday :)
We introduced Morgan and Ivy over the weekend. They are a little apprehensive of each other. Morgan is just pretty curious, but every time he approaches Ivy, she takes a swipe at him. We're really only bringing them out to eat and play together, we're separating them if we can't offer supervision, at least for the time being.
I actually just got a new puppy today, a German shepherd x mutt boy named Doc Holliday. I have another girl mutt, Indica, and two girl kittehs, Camelot and Avalon. Pretty sure I unleashed chaos today, bringing home a puppy, but I am used to being around a lot of animals and training them. I'll get some pictures up someday :)

Chaos you shall have!

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