PSLS Platinum Leaderboard

Stephen Bitto

Staff member


Hey Trophy Hunters!

I was reading over the Platinum This thread and noticed how crazy some of you are with your platinum addiction. I want to give credit where credit is due! Send me your forum name, PSN name and your platinum trophy count and we can make this into a friendly competition!

This is only for platinum trophies so if DLC came out after, dropping you below 100%, don't worry about it. Only the plat matters on this leaderboard.

Forum Name - PSN - Trophy Count
Chandler Wood - 128
bayouboyz - bayouboyz - 63
Swordsman - Swordsman83 - 61
Brian Mieszala - CloudStrife768 - 29
Stephen Bitto - TYLERxDURDEN - 32
MakaiOokami - MakaiOokami - 20
stolenxnametag - arithrottle - 17
Hugo Stiglitz - HugoStiglitz_420 - 14
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Hey Trophy Hunters!

I was reading over the Platinum This thread and noticed how crazy some of you are with your platinum addiction. I want to give credit where credit is due! Send me your forum name, PSN name and your platinum trophy count and we can make this into a competition!

This is only for platinum trophies so if DLC came out after, dropping you below 100%, don't worry about it. Only the plat matters on this leaderboard.

Stephen Bitto - TYLERxDURDEN - 12

There's a thread on here where you can find psn names, if you want people to know ur psn name. Never thought to make a competition out of who has the most platinums, because to me it's always been about the game not the trophies. Not everyone has the time or skill to even see a platinum. It's kinda like a kick to the face, like bragging almost.
There's a thread on here where you can find psn names, if you want people to know ur psn name. Never thought to make a competition out of who has the most platinums, because to me it's always been about the game not the trophies. Not everyone has the time or skill to even see a platinum. It's kinda like a kick to the face, like bragging almost.

Never heard of bragging rights? :cool:

Seriously though, I didn't mean for it to be taken so literally. For people who love to get platinums this is so they can chase the PSLS top spot. For people that aren't trophy hunters, no need to do anything differently. You don't even have to be listed if you don't want to be...

That's insane!
I've even slowed down recently. Reviews and such will do that to the completionist. I've been trophy hunting since day one. My first trophy was from Linger in Shadows, that bizarre tech demo type game waaaaayyy back on PS3. My first Platinum was in Fallout 3. After that, I was hooked. Latest one was Guacamelee.
I've even slowed down recently. Reviews and such will do that to the completionist. I've been trophy hunting since day one. My first trophy was from Linger in Shadows, that bizarre tech demo type game waaaaayyy back on PS3. My first Platinum was in Fallout 3. After that, I was hooked. Latest one was Guacamelee.

I really have to pick it up then!

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