The Official Post Your PSN ID Thread

Sounds good I will grab my water wings and we will be good to go...

Sorry to have gone OT...

Hey Fat Man you were right I do like these forums better than the N4G forums.

My PSN is Farsendor I play just about everything

I'm playing Drive Club, Shadow of mordor and Destiny
Hey Fat Man you were right I do like these forums better than the N4G forums.

My PSN is Farsendor I play just about everything

I'm playing Drive Club, Shadow of mordor and Destiny
Welcome to the forums, @Farsendor! Maybe once Drive Club gets its problems out of the way I'll go buy the retail copy and see you there! :D
I'm just going to wait for the free version and then decide if I want to upgrade based on if I really end up wanting the things I don't have.

I like Drive Club, If you like to play with pretty cars around a track that can be difficult at times you will like Drive Club.

Drive Club is all about the racing no in between stuff not really you can change paint colors and that is about it. Reminds me of Ridge Racer and I love Ridge Racer.
Hey Fat Man you were right I do like these forums better than the N4G forums.

My PSN is Farsendor I play just about everything

I'm playing Drive Club, Shadow of mordor and Destiny

Sorry I have not been around man... life has been in the way. Thanks for checking these out man I really like them and the people are very nice and the people running them are right on top of things is that is pretty awesome...

Cheers and see you on the forums.
I like Drive Club, If you like to play with pretty cars around a track that can be difficult at times you will like Drive Club.

Drive Club is all about the racing no in between stuff not really you can change paint colors and that is about it. Reminds me of Ridge Racer and I love Ridge Racer.
Yeah the problem with a racing SIM like GT6 is that if you aren't a car person, don't even bother. They are driving with a racing wheel, and they are changing the shocks on each wheel independently, and they will bust your ass guaranteed 99 times out of 100.

With Driveclub you at least have a shot IMO. They have to deal with the cars they get, not tweaking every little detail to get that last bit of performance out.
Yeah the problem with a racing SIM like GT6 is that if you aren't a car person, don't even bother. They are driving with a racing wheel, and they are changing the shocks on each wheel independently, and they will bust your ass guaranteed 99 times out of 100.

With Driveclub you at least have a shot IMO. They have to deal with the cars they get, not tweaking every little detail to get that last bit of performance out.

I had gt5 and i have gt6, have no racing wheel and don't know the first thing about tweaking cars, i take them as they come and race them and do fine. It all just comes down to style and gameplay. I like gt's style and racing gameplay, it feels more fun and natural and not like some arcade racer. Driveclub i played with a friend of mine and we were both severely let down, we hoped for better and expected better and got far less then what we were expecting. We were expecting it to be fun, but instead found it dull.
At this point I see two things wrong with Drive Club the car list and online features other than that i'm enjoying the game the little I have been playing of it.

Shadow of Mordor has taken most of my time
I had gt5 and i have gt6, have no racing wheel and don't know the first thing about tweaking cars, i take them as they come and race them and do fine. It all just comes down to style and gameplay. I like gt's style and racing gameplay, it feels more fun and natural and not like some arcade racer. Driveclub i played with a friend of mine and we were both severely let down, we hoped for better and expected better and got far less then what we were expecting. We were expecting it to be fun, but instead found it dull.
A lot of people like it.

Seems to be about the most polorizing driving game I've ever seen.
Just got a Vita for Freedom Wars the other day. Would like to make some friends and maybe play a few rounds.


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