PSLS - Proper


PSLS Level: Newbie
Besides emailing feedback, can we post suggestions for the main PSLS site here, or is it just for the forums?

Because I really hate the side bar. ;)
That sidebar floating on Mobile is a little annoying. It covers the article a bit and forces me to zoom out farther than the auto-zoom brings me when I double tap the text (on iOS)...
I currently can't think of any suggestions, except maybe looking into the voting problem. it may just be disqus, but when I try to vote on a comment someone has made, the button won't allow me and it'll say "voting has been changed"
We'd love to get your main site feedback anywhere we can. :D
just watched the psls live stream of psls. if there will be fan voting for the game that you guys will play, maybe have "survey/voting" add-on in the site? like you guys will put 3-5 games that you would play in the livestream next week and then we can click to vote which game would win?
if there will be fan voting for the game that you guys will play, maybe have "survey/voting" add-on in the site? like you guys will put 3-5 games that you would play in the livestream next week and then we can click to vote which game would win?
Please this.
just watched the psls live stream of psls. if there will be fan voting for the game that you guys will play, maybe have "survey/voting" add-on in the site? like you guys will put 3-5 games that you would play in the livestream next week and then we can click to vote which game would win?
We could also set up a feature thread with options of what will be played. Then users could vote and the game with the most votes will be played.
just watched the psls live stream of psls. if there will be fan voting for the game that you guys will play, maybe have "survey/voting" add-on in the site? like you guys will put 3-5 games that you would play in the livestream next week and then we can click to vote which game would win?
Thanks again to everyone who watched and participated in the stream. It was a huge success for the launch of PSLS Live and we will be working to fine tune it and make PSLS Streaming content really fun and often for you.
I think it'd also be cool if sometimes you could play livestream games online, but like with the community? Like playing GTA Online with some of PSLS readers and writers?
We are planning on keeping PSLS Live as current as possible, so make sure to stay tuned to see what games we choose for that. But, there is definitely room for us to do a community picked title once in a while. Great idea.

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