PSP Games Getting an HD Makeover

Stephen Bitto

Staff member
What's up #PlayStationFaithful!

I was moving around some of my old PSP games today and was thinking how much I would love to go back and play some of them. More specifically, I thought how awesome it would be if some of them got an HD makeover, trophy support and released on PlayStation Vita.

The two games I saw that put this idea in my head were Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and Resistance: Retribution.

What games would you like upgraded for the PS Vita?
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Dissidia Duodecim immediately comes to mind. However, a new Dissidia is already in the works so it's unlikely to happen.
I never had a chance to play Crisis Core, so that would be a gem on PS4 / Vita. Judging from all of the press I have been seeing with regards to Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, it is certainly possible that Crisis Core could get the HD treatment for PS4. *fingers crossed*
Peacewalker! AC: Bloodlines, maybe? I'm a sucker for open world. Also, the PSP GTAs have already been cleaned up graphic-wise for mobile re-release, I'll be happy to just get a port of that on my Vita, as touch controls suck.

I thought Peacewalker was already on Vita but I think I'm mistaken so yes, definitely Peace Walker.

I'd like to see the two Wipeout games (Pure and Pulse), Metal Slug Anthology (even after I just bought it) with trophy support of course and Me & My Katamari.
If anything I'd say both Dissidia Final Fantasy Games, The Phantasy Star Portable Games (preferably the second being the Infinity version), Daxter, and one other that escapes me.
Valkyria Chronicles II (and III), plz, kthx.

I haven't actually played Legend of Heroes yet, but from what I hear, it'd probably be a good choice for a remaster.
What's up #PlayStationFaithful!

I was moving around some of my old PSP games today and was thinking how much I would love to go back and play some of them. More specifically, I thought how awesome it would be if some of them got an HD makeover, trophy support and released on PlayStation Vita.

The two games I saw that put this idea in my head were Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and Resistance: Retribution.

What games would you like upgraded for the PS Vita?

actually if you have a jpn account, you will find all the psp games there for digital download for the vita. So the games are already available to be transferred, sadly the na psn does not offer as many as the games. I don't think any really need an hd remake, in my opinion ghe graphics look the same on both systems. Adding trophies would be nice though, it would please the trophy hunters.
3rd Birthday would be a great choice since it is a sequel to a series whose first two games were on a console.

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