PSVR is Almost Here

Stephen Bitto

Staff member
Who's getting one?

I pre-ordered mine already and plan to get Batman Arkham VR, Super Hyper Cube, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, and Eve Valkyrie. Possibly RIGS too but we'll see.

If you do have it pre-ordered, what games are you getting? Any sleeper titles you think could be cool that people aren't talking about?

Let us know!
I got my PS VR preordered. I'm going to try to get Batman Arkham VR, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, Eve: Valkyrie, VR Worlds, and that Harmonix music game at launch.
I got my PS VR preordered. I'm going to try to get Batman Arkham VR, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, Eve: Valkyrie, VR Worlds, and that Harmonix music game at launch.

Given any thought to getting RIGS? It's supposed to be quite good but I'm worried about nausea.
Given any thought to getting RIGS? It's supposed to be quite good but I'm worried about nausea.
Not sure about Rigs yet. I'll wait and see what the response to it is first since it's the only full priced VR game at launch (kind of: $50).
In order to combat motion sickness there is an algorithm that blackens the edges of the view giving you tunnel vision, and out of an (albeit) small sample size something like 90-100% of respondents preferred it that way and it dramatically decreased motion sickness.

Apparently because it's blocking out the edges of the view it doesn't even require any overhead in power because it's rendering slightly less than it normally would have to. Now that I think about it, Sony might have to do that in the breakout box. Hmm...

Anyway I'm not getting PS VR it looks like any time soon. I will be able to afford it, but, I'm worried about distance from the camera/screen.
Anyway I'm not getting PS VR it looks like any time soon. I will be able to afford it, but, I'm worried about distance from the camera/screen.

As in the distance from the PS Camera to your PSVR headset or the distance from the internal VR screen to your eyeballs?
Sorry, maybe I am a bit dense here, but when is this sale starting? I am on the playstation store at the moment, and I am not seeing these games on sale now. Which Friday are they talking about? The 20th or the 27th?
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