Ratchet Collection releasing in NA on July 29th

Call me old school, but I muuuuch prefer side-scrolling platformers over free-roaming 3D platformers.
I like a mix. I enjoy Guacamelee, LBP, old Sonic, just as much as Ratchet, Sly, Sonic Adventure 2.
I wish I could say the same. I own Super Mario 3D Land and haven't completed it yet. I got Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time for free with PS+ and didn't even finish the first stage.

Played the hell out of LBP and such, though.
The collection has been delayed until the 29th, as per the drop on the Playstation Blog. I'm getting pretty sick of SCEA and the way they treat the vita and the games. They charge an arm and a leg for their products and pull crap like this at the last second on us. Sony as a whole is giving up on the Vita, but the SCEA is so incompetent.
Yeah, it's really frustrating. I'm still pissed it's digital only as well. Thanks for the heads up, gotta alter my new game list already....
Never really got into that game, willing to give the series another try though. Maybe a second go around will change my mind, who knows. Game rental time!!

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