Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment


Staff member
So I got an email today that reminded me all about this game and it got me excited to play it through a possible Import Review next month. Side note, for anyone wanting to import it, there will be a Chinese version with English subtitles.

The game sounds really fun and for anyone who followed the anime, it should be a really cool play. It offers 4 player raids, and some really sweet looking combat. Has anyone been keeping an eye on this game? Plan to Import? I really wish this kind of stuff would make it's way to North America, but the first one never did so I doubt this will change.








I've been following it. Loved the anime (especially the SAO portion), game looks really fun and little goofy. Don't know if I'm going to import yet. I've got to clear out my backlog first, by the time I get around to importing it I might just wait a few months to see if it'll be brought over.

I think its chances of localization is very low, but this game seems to have better traction on western gaming websites than most anime adaptions.

Short version: I'll probably import it this fall if nothing else is announced to release in that time frame.
I'd love to play this. But I don't own the Vita anymore. And I like to read what I'm looking at. Menu-wise I mean. And I think the anime dub would have really soared if they didn't air it at 1:00 am (central) like morons. People have to work and do other things. I would have went for a 11pm slot. Maybe we'll see it head this way though.
I think the chance of localization is virtually zero but I would love to be pleasantly surprised. I also loved the SAO portion of the anime so much better than the 2nd one, but it was still solid.
Well, there are some rumors floating online that SAO was at an event with Tales of Hearts R saying SAO was coming to NA this Fall. Probably false but at least it gives a small glmmer of hope.
Well, there are some rumors floating online that SAO was at an event with Tales of Hearts R saying SAO was coming to NA this Fall. Probably false but at least it gives a small glmmer of hope.

Let us hold out hope!
Let us hold out hope!
Loved the anime, (both halves) but the game looks really fun even without the SAO characters and names. This game would single handedly sell me on a PS VitaTV. My brother really liked SAO also and I'd love to kind of rub it in that I get to play a game based on it and he doesn't =)
Loved the anime, (both halves) but the game looks really fun even without the SAO characters and names. This game would single handedly sell me on a PS VitaTV. My brother really liked SAO also and I'd love to kind of rub it in that I get to play a game based on it and he doesn't =)

Yea i liked both sides of the anime as well and the game does look good without the SAO names and places. It reminds me a bit of .hack but maybe a bit more polished.

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