The PSLS Trophy Goals Thread

I hear you. My goal is to hit 60%. I'm at like 58% and every game I review is killing it more and more. I need to go back and complete games.
This is how PS Now is going to rob me blind. Some games I don't have anymore, but I still want to finish them. 2014-2015 will be my years of completion (for games that don't have dead online services like Zumba...).
I hope some kind soul from my country can lend me their ps3, so i can plat some non online games.. If not i have to get a second hand ps3 console.
I'm shooting to double my platinum count this year.

Need to get back to games that I should have platinum but didn't, and enjoy the games I'm buying rather than playing them for 5 hours, and then moving on.
I'm shooting to double my platinum count this year.

Need to get back to games that I should have platinum but didn't, and enjoy the games I'm buying rather than playing them for 5 hours, and then moving on.

It's challenging when your backlog keeps piling up. Last year, I did a much better job staying focused on completing the game at hand before moving on. I think I finished like 23 games or so which is probably a personal record along with 5 platinums. This year, I'd like to complete at least that many games and hopefully get a few more platinums. I'm catching up on some Telltale games so the plats shouldn't be an issue.
It's challenging when your backlog keeps piling up. Last year, I did a much better job staying focused on completing the game at hand before moving on. I think I finished like 23 games or so which is probably a personal record along with 5 platinums. This year, I'd like to complete at least that many games and hopefully get a few more platinums. I'm catching up on some Telltale games so the plats shouldn't be an issue.
It's only going to be harder now.

Thank you Amazon Prime, for making every game 20% cheaper...

Games have NEVER been cheaper than they are right now, even factoring in DLC if you go through Amazon.

A $50 game 20 years ago is $70 or so adjusted for inflation. You'd have to spend $23+ on DLC to make a game more expensive than they were 20 years ago (FF 7 release) and considering how many indie games there are that only get released for $5-15... Then the sales that drop games down to $10-20, then the Flash Sales with $1-2, Humble Bundle and PS Plus with lots of highly reviewed games (and just as many complainers)

Gaming has never been cheaper. At least not without doing Gamestop Buy 2 get 1 free Used games and basically screwing over the developers and publishers.

I mean for fucks sake a Special Edition on Amazon is $4 more expensive than buying it digitally. I got like $15 for spending $100 on the PSN when I got Infamous Second Son digitally, and I saved $15 on those PSN cards using my employee discount and my 5% discount... So I saved like $30... I don't work there anymore, and even if I did the employee discount stopped working like 6-12 months ago on that stuff anyway... So even though you COULD buy and save money digitally, now it's almost impossible unless deals align.
If you don't have Telltale game platinums you can get 10 just from them practically.

I feel like I was the last person to find that out! I just got the platinum for The Walking Dead Season One. I plan to play Season Two and Game of Thrones this year. Possibly others but I haven't decided.
I feel like I was the last person to find that out! I just got the platinum for The Walking Dead Season One. I plan to play Season Two and Game of Thrones this year. Possibly others but I haven't decided.

Season 2 of walking dead no plat.. only 100%

Walking Dead Season 1
Game of Thrones
Tales from the borderlands
Wolf Among Us

only walking dead season 1 and wolf among us released on 3 platform.

So its 10 (4 on ps3, 4 on ps4 , 2 on vita )
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