The Wolf Among Us - Episode 5 Giveaway!


Staff member
Because we are awesome, we have snagged a couple of codes for Episode 5 of the Wolf Among Us to giveaway. The codes are US only and are for just Episode 5 on PS3.

If you are interested, simply respond with an answer to this question!

Q: If you had a choice between being a Werewolf or Justin Beiber, which would you choose and why?

Winners will be chosen based on awesomeness this Thursday the 31st, so get posting!
I`m from Canada so I can`t use the code but i wanted to answer anyways...I`d be a werewolf for no other reason than hunting down stupid shimmery vampires.
I would be Justin Bieber. He plays music, has a little bit of cash, and the threats to him are just the media - nobody ever follows through on trying to hunt down Justin Bieber. He seriously gets away with everything that is being thrown at him. Being a werewolf would just make me a moving target, and ain't nobody got time f'dat!
Just a heads up, you won't be able to play Episode 5 unless you own Episode 1.

Episodes 2-4 are essentially DLC that launch from the Episode 1 base game.

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