Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Movie Casting


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Welcome to a new feature we are right now calling, "Hey! Cast This!" The idea behind this is fairly simple, we will be taking popular videos games and providing our live action cast if it became a movie. Please check out our Uncharted: Drake's Fortune cast below and let us know what changes, if any, you would make.

Please be gentle with me too, this was actually a lot harder than I thought and this first one might be a little rough. Any feedback on the feature is appreciated, whether you want me to write down why I picked a specific actor or not. Also, you can shoot me a message here on the forums about future games you would like.

I can agree with these castings. That's the thing about great actors and actresses, they can play these roles well. And I love to see people in slightly unexpected roles that might push the limits of their acting ability.
Yea I was leery of putting him as a bad guy, because he just makes such a good guy.
I've never played an Uncharted game, but I Gabriel has to have a very specific subplot for Bruce Willis to star as him. Bruce Willis has a very simple role in nearly every movie he's ever starred - he always gets fucked over and plots his revenge. Does that role fit Gabriel?
I've never played an Uncharted game, but I Gabriel has to have a very specific subplot for Bruce Willis to star as him. Bruce Willis has a very simple role in nearly every movie he's ever starred - he always gets fucked over and plots his revenge. Does that role fit Gabriel?

I think it's time for Bruce Willis to branch out then!

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