
I really liked the first season. I caught it by accident on like the 3rd episode when it was airing last year, so I kept up and finished the season as it premiered. The main character, Ragnar, is basically like the Norse equivalent of Hercules. Some of his stories in viking sagas are thought to be combined stories of more than one warrior, but that's what makes the series so awesome.

I'm not sure if it has made it to Netflix yet, but it should be. It aired in like April or May last year, I think.
I really liked the first season. I caught it by accident on like the 3rd episode when it was airing last year, so I kept up and finished the season as it premiered. The main character, Ragnar, is basically like the Norse equivalent of Hercules. Some of his stories in viking sagas are thought to be combined stories of more than one warrior, but that's what makes the series so awesome.

I'm not sure if it has made it to Netflix yet, but it should be. It aired in like April or May last year, I think.
Sounds like its awesome. I'll check to see if it's on Netflix or Hulu Plus.

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