Vita Sizzle e3 video: i believe they did not show this during the sony presentation.

Some great looking games, some of them should have been shown off during the big conference.. Not sure why Sony doesn't understand that showcasing the Vita more would bring it more attention and hopefully more sales..
If it's one thing i wish sony would work on, it would be that they don't advertise what they have much. They need to push their products more.
Well after the Type-0 announcement I guess we know why. The Vita in a america is done. SCEA has no intention of making any content for it. I mean damn, Soul Sacrifice Delta was localized by SCEJ.

I don't think I've ever seen a situation similar to the one the Vita is in. Its platform holder's main division has dropped it without ever even supporting it.

SCEA refuses to show off the games it even does have. They haven't tried with the device since 2012. For all intent and purposes, the Vita was dead to SCEA by the end of 2012.

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