Wall Art


PSLS Level: Bronze
Initially, I was simply going to make a question topic, but after I ask my question, we may as well use this thread for something more. =p

Part 1: The Question
We all love posters and such that occasionally are included in limited edition box sets and such, right? The only problem with most of them, though, is that they're usually folded, so when you open them up, they have these big, ugly fold lines all over them. My question is this: Does anyone have any tricks to working these out? The only method I'm familiar with is pressing between large, heavy flat objects (i.e. dictionaries/phone books), but that is a little troublesome when you have a relatively large poster...

Part 2: The Topic
For the sake of extending this topic beyond just my question and any answers that may follow, share some pics of whatever you've got hanging on your walls. =p Posters, wall scrolls, etc. (I suppose decorations on shelves can count, too.)
My general rule of thumb for anything game/movie related is that it should either be minimalistic or abstract. By abstract I mean, it shouldn't be identifiable as game/movie related unless you have seen the movie/game. For example, N7 sweatpants. Unless you have played Mass Effect, your first thought is Nautica.

I would love to add more game art but I haven't quite got there yet as far as decorating goes.

Just picked up this three part art piece for my new condo. Not sure why I love it but I'm obsessed! Mine isn't framed and has no borders.


Decorating is so tough for me! I am awful at it. I also have the vinyl versions of both parts of the 20/20 Experience by Justin Timberlake I'd like to do something with.
I will have to find some pictures of my wall art, but I have a Bioshock poster, a few movie centric posters, and that's really about it. I have a hard time finding game related art that doesn't scream 16 year old boy. I like it to look like it belongs in a grown ups space :)
I will have to find some pictures of my wall art, but I have a Bioshock poster, a few movie centric posters, and that's really about it. I have a hard time finding game related art that doesn't scream 16 year old boy. I like it to look like it belongs in a grown ups space :)

It's definitely a challenge! I'm finding you need to find things that aren't supposed to be related but kind of are. Like in my game library I have this small book-end like old fashioned scuba helmet a la Bioshock. Actually found it at TJ Maxx. Just have to be resourceful I guess.
I am looking for a way to put up my posters of The Witcher 3. Gonna do it no matter what. Gonna need more posters too. Need moreeee.

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