(PS3) Max Payne 3 Review


PSLS Level: Silver
Figured that I would post some of my other reviews that I've done and bring them over to the Community Reviews section. Granted some of these reviews are a lot older, I definitely think that they are still enjoyable titles.

Rockstar Games originally published the first Max Payne game back in 2001. The game was critically acclaimed for both it’s story telling and action packed gameplay. It also introduced “bullet time” gameplay to videogames. So needless to say that Max Payne 3 had a lot to live up to when it was officially announced. There was also a lot of skepticism about the multiplayer as well considering that the game has always been regarded as mainly a single player game, and this would be the first game in the series to delve into the multiplayer aspect of gaming. So the real question is should you pick up this game? Read on to find out.

The game itself takes place after the events of Max Payne 2. But it’s not a set time period. The various chapters will have you jumping around to specific points so you can piece together what exactly happened after Max Payne 2. This actually helps keep you guessing as to what is going to happen next within the story. Plus it also changes up the levels dramatically, so you will always have new scenery to look at.

The gameplay is one of the things that sets Max Payne 3 apart from the rest of other action games. As Max you are taking on impossible amounts of odds, and if you don’t fully understand how to play the game you will find yourself getting killed, a lot, especially in the harder difficulties. “Bullet time” use is essential throughout the game. To explain this feature to those that have never played a Max Payne title, you basically slow down time. This will allow you take out multiple enemies in a given area. You will even find yourself being able to watch the bullets themselves as they fly towards your enemies.You must utilize cover and use the “bullet time” feature to successfully make it through the huge levels that are laid out before you.


Which leads to another discussion, the level design of the game. To say that the levels are huge would be an understatement. Sure some aren’t that large, but in one of the levels you even find yourself taking Max through a gigantic soccer stadium. This all just makes the game itself feel that more epic as you play through it.

The game allows for you to play as you want weapon wise as well. Depending on what you are comfortable with you will find yourself figuring out which style suits you best. Whether you want Max to primarily use a two-handed weapon or dual wield, it’s up to you.

The multiplayer mode is actually a lot like the single player mode in many ways. It even includes “bullet time” and will slow down the whole map for everyone as it is used. You must build up the meter, this prevents it from being spammed during the matches. But also that meter can be used to have temporary perks, such as more powerful weapons or even the ability to confuse enemies as to which side you are on. This will definitely lead to some interesting matches, given that you can choose which loadout you would prefer to use while playing. The maps online will seem very familiar to those that have played the single player considering the maps feature locations that you will visit in the campaign portion of the game.

As you level up in the multiplayer you will earn cash to purchase items such as weapons, but you can also control what your character looks like per faction. This includes clothing, face, hair, etc. This brings us to one of the best customization things in the game, the Rockstar Social Club itself.


There are several modes within the multiplayer as well. There are the traditional deathmatch and team deathmatch modes. This allows for a total of 4 vs. 4 on a map for team deathmatch, and 8 players total for deathmatch. For those looking for a larger group to play against need to look at large deathmatch or large team deathmatch. There is also a mode known as Payne Killer, which is where you will attempt to take on the role of Max Payne himself within the match. Gang Wars is another entertaining mode where you protect or attack certain areas of the map. These modes are all a ton of fun, and they will definitely keep you playing for a while.

Before Max Payne 3 was released Rockstar Social Club was essentially a way just to track various stats in certain games made by Rockstar. With the release of Max Payne 3 the entire site has received a complete overhaul, and now includes Crews. This is essentially the same thing as a Clan that you would see in other multiplayer games. The difference being that it will also carry over to games like Grand Theft Auto V. So if you happen to join the ThatGamerForum Crew that is now on the Rockstar Social Club, things you do with the Crew will carry over to GTAV. There are even achievements to earn as a Crew together, as well as rivalries with other Crews. This is the type of integration we need to see to make a game last. Needless to say I will be playing Max Payne 3 a long time.


Graphically the game is beautiful, whether you find yourself in a nightclub with music blasting, or in a dark and gritty city downtown. The game looks and feels fantastic as you progress through the chapters of this installment of Max Payne. The audio is also great and helps bring the locations to life, as well as add to the realism of the title.

Overall Max Payne 3 is perfect in almost every way. It’s story will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end, and then after that you can hop onto the addictive multiplayer modes. The game itself offers a no nonsense gritty approach that will knock you off your feet. This is the story of Max Payne, and it stays true to what made the first two titles in the series so popular. With fantastic level designs, beautiful graphics, and amazing Social Club integration, the game has so much to offer in terms of content. Rockstar Games has outdone themselves with this one. If you enjoy action games with a good story do yourself a favor and pick up this game. Everything else is just a huge bonus.

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