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PSLS Level: Newbie
I missed the DeadNation live stream (I REALLY wanted to check out the Broadcast+ feature).

How'd it go? Can we do it often? (Like, is there a twitch account for PSLS that you guys are using for the live streaming stuff?)

Also, can we organize live games to party up on? I would like to organize a Killzone game or something and live stream it for the community (sort of like a multi-cam stream session).
I think it would be awesome to organize game nights and such. I actually believe this is something that Dan is working on, but I could be wrong. As for the Twitch account, we have one, let me get the information for you.
I just tested my livesteam (twitch) and it works good. I'm kinda bummed that my Apple headphones didn't work well. I kept hearing this high pitch tone through the feed (not on the headphones, only on the live stream side). I use them to listen games when its late at night, but now I know they won't work for chat. The mono headset that came with my PS4 worked fine, though.
Yes, every Thursday night at 6:30pm PST, we will have an organized live stream. We will try to rotate the games each week, so it will probably be something other than Dead Nation, but stay tuned to see what we choose. Past that, we have been considering doing more unscheduled shows as well, but the feature just started, so give it some time to grow.

Hope to see you there!

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