What is the best indie game ever?

Hugo Stiglitz

PSLS Level: Bronze
Leave you're favorite, or what you think is the best.

Or leave both.

For me, the best is also my favorite. Journey.
Braid, is probably my favorite as its one of the only Indies I've managed to sit all the way through to finish.
Braid, is probably my favorite as its one of the only Indies I've managed to sit all the way through to finish.
I bought Braid on one of those $1 sales. It's really cool but really difficult too. I'm not used to that sort of game but I got stuck on a certain part if memory serves me right. I gotta get back to it at some point. Damn Sony and their sales!!! I'm constantly moving on to other stuff and forgetting to finish games.
I haven't played a lot of indies in my life so for me ( up to this date) is Outlast and Dead Nation. Those two are the ones that I like the most. Again, like I said I haven't played a lot of indies so yeah those are my favorites for now. Maybe I will have another favorite sooner or later.
I haven't played a lot of indies in my life so for me ( up to this date) is Outlast and Dead Nation. Those two are the ones that I like the most. Again, like I said I haven't played a lot of indies so yeah those are my favorites for now. Maybe I will have another favorite sooner or later.
Dead Nation is awesome. :)
I haven't played a lot of indies in my life so for me ( up to this date) is Outlast and Dead Nation. Those two are the ones that I like the most. Again, like I said I haven't played a lot of indies so yeah those are my favorites for now. Maybe I will have another favorite sooner or later.

I'm with you mate. I don't play a ton of them, but Outlast and Dead Nation are among my top picks. Especially Outlast. Outlast is one of my favorite games in years, and probably in my top 4 on PS4.

That being said, I think Journey is unbeatable as far as indies go, as much as I love Outlast.

Honestly, I can't even believe Outlast is in indie. It's much better quality than most AAA games without a doubt. Even performance wise. The graphics are pretty damn good and it's as silky smooth as it gets. Plus the quality of the story, the gameplay, the environment, and the sound!! It's crazy that game is an indie. I'm gonna be on the lookout for Red Barrells next game.
I've gotten a LOT of indies through the Humble Bundle for Steam as well as picking a few up during sales. Right now I'm obsessed with Rogue Legacy and I might even call it the best. Other honorable mentions go to Gunpoint and Guacamelee!.

I still need to play Papers, Please, which I hear a lot of good things about.
I have a few.
Dead Nation
Smart As
If I'm going with any platform then State of Decay and Shadow Complex are right up there on my list as well!
Some of my favorites are:

If we're just talking games available on Playstation systems:
Pixeljunk Monsters
Rogue Legacy

If we're including PC:
Bastion (if that's considered indie)
Cave Story
Faster than Light
Dungeons of Dredmor

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