What Is Your Steam ID?

Had a post in the other one, but if you're making a list feel free to add me as

Versace Skeleton (don't ask, won't tell...)
Well, Versace is obvious, but why Skeleton?

Cause they're spooky. In relation to Mr.Bone's wild ride, kind of turned into a whole big thing thanks to the internet and even worse with my friends, and because around 4 years ago i was scrawny and people called me skeleton
Well, just build my new gaming rig so...

add me as bigwilybobbily

EDIT: Woah I didn't know we had a steam group. SWEET!
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Ok dude, I think you need a break from awesomenauts. If steam is to be believed you've played 649 hours. That's almost a month man.

That's unfortunately very accurate and i agree lol, but its so hard to quit cause i can just play like a a round a two a day and its like an hour, it added up very quickly

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