What kind of Playstation Freebie would you like to get at a game convention


PSLS Level: Newbie
Hi everyone just wondering what kind of freebie would you like to get as a freebie at a playstation booth at a game convention. Or have you taken any interesting items before? if so please do share. (realistic freebies please lol, I know I would love to have a lifesize stormtrooper as a freebie but it will never happen or a free playstation 4)
Cheers :)
Anything Sackboy related could be realistic yet worthwhile. Any type of PlayStation limited edition or show-specific goodies would be cool too!
I would like to receive some kind of really special item DLC. For instance: a golden Gjallarhorn that supports extra ammo in Destiny, a light saber for The Evil Within, or something else moderately exclusive.
I received a plushie of Atoi (from Tearaway) as a freebie at a gaming convention quite recently. She's currently sat right next to my PS4, and I think small trinkets like that are the best kind of item to receive for free.

Having said that, exclusive or early cosmetic DLC as thanks for visiting a booth is, also, a great way to incentivise looking at (and purchasing) a game, and probably easier for a smaller developer or publisher to sort out than actual physical merchandise.
I received a plushie of Atoi (from Tearaway) as a freebie at a gaming convention quite recently. She's currently sat right next to my PS4, and I think small trinkets like that are the best kind of item to receive for free.

That's awesome. I really want a true, good looking Sackboy.
An exclusive controller would be great or a set of headphone.

I love the idea of an exclusive controller. Sony should really look into doing more PS4 console customization with those covers they released awhile back. I think the first ones were The Order 1886 and Little Big Planet 3.

Those would be cool giveaway items too.

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