What the hell am I supposed to do in Proteus?

Big Head

PSLS Level: Bronze
I thought Metrico was a worthless game, and then I fired up Proteus.

I'm just glad Fez has kept me going all month, but I'm getting to the point where I have to figure out all of the puzzles.
As far as I know there isn't much to "do" in Proteus. The main thing is you can change the seasons your wandering in by finding a circle during the night cycle of a particular season. After you go through the four seasons you've "beaten" the game. There are little events that happen at certain places on the island at certain times, but as far as I know there isn't too much more to the game.
I really liked Metrico.

But I have to agree I didn't know what to do in Proteus.
I may have liked Metrico more if I hadn't just finished Thomas Was Alone, which was one of the most unsatisfying endings to any game ever. Seems kind of similar to me (obstacles course in a maze/puzzle). I just kept waiting for Thomas to have some sort of challenge...and then it was roll credits.
It's a mini-exploratory game that does a terrible idea of telling you what to do. I ran out of patience while trophy hunting through it, but this guide basically tells you everything. The game isn't about anything at all. I hope that helps you out, @Big Head!
I may have liked Metrico more if I hadn't just finished Thomas Was Alone, which was one of the most unsatisfying endings to any game ever. Seems kind of similar to me (obstacles course in a maze/puzzle). I just kept waiting for Thomas to have some sort of challenge...and then it was roll credits.

That's classic puzzle-platformer, though. That said, Metrico can get really challenging later on.

As for Proteus, the problem is that it's sold as an exploration game, but there isn't much there to entice exploring. There are very few elements to it, even.. a couple of bushes and a rabbit.

I'd have loved an exploration game where the world was vast and diverse. But that will never happen.

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