Wii/DS/i Losing Most Internet Functionality


PSLS Level: Bronze
I know on Thatgamerforum and PSLS original forums some people were mad that the Wii Mini was coming out because you couldn't use it online at all. So how about a thread for Wii titles worth grabbing
-----------------------------------------------------------------apparently incorrect info
Well the Wii service is going down in like 11 days. So... The Wii isn't much better than the Wii Mini soon.

So grab up your virtual console titles while you can.
----------------------------------------------------------------- end of apparently incorrect info
I recommend the following games

Megaman X Series
Most things that say Mario that aren't Tennis or Golf
Zelda anything
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Super Smash Brothers
Final Fantasy titles if you want

Just know that many titles look terrible if you have the HD t.v. sharpness on.

I just grabbed Mario RPG free of of club.nintendo but it expires today.

Is Yoshi's Story any good?

List your recommendations below
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The Wii shop and Nintendo DSi shop are actually both still going to work normally. As are Netflix, YouTube and all other video services.

The only thing they're terminating is online multiplayer, leaderboards, matchmaking and other stuff like that.
The Wii shop and Nintendo DSi shop are actually both still going to work normally. As are Netflix, YouTube and all other video services.

The only thing they're terminating is online multiplayer, leaderboards, matchmaking and other stuff like that.
Ok... I thought it said otherwise. It was late last night and made later thanks to Spring Forward.

I'm going to change the topic title.

Still what are some recommendations
E.V.O. The Search for Eden, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, all Legend of Zelda titles, the Donkey Kong Country's, Earthbound (wait that's Wii U), Mario Kart, Punch Out, Super Mario All Stars, Super Mario World, F-Zero, Actraiser, Super Ghouls 'N' Ghosts. And I can't remember. I may hop on and browse and edit this post later. Tons of classics on there that are simply amazing.
Well as long as were recommending nintendo games. I recommend Metroid, ANY metroid, 1, ,2 super, fusion, the prime trilogy even! (I'm a huge metroid fan...)

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