An honest question about playstation share and playstation tv


PSLS Level: Newbie
Ok so ill start off with this, can anyone actually explain how playstation share works? By this , i mean i get what the feature does, im asking how does it make it happen? how can a player who doesnt own a game be able to play it on their ps4 , with someone across the country who has the game and is playing it? I am interseted in how this actually works . Seems to me somehow it streams it to the persons ps4 that doesnt have it? i really dunno just a guess.
Now my reason im asking this is, If a person who does not have a game , is able to play it with someone who does, why cant someone buy a playstation tv , hook it up to a seperate tv from their ps4 , and invite their roommate, wife, brother , sister , someone in the same house to come and join them in a game using playstation share mixed with playstation tv? Instead of having to buy a whole seperate ps4 , why wouldnt this work with a ps4 and a playstation tv in the same house? Im just trying to figure out how all this works. Thanks for any legit answers!
Just like Farsendor, I honestly don't have a really great and informative answer for you.

With the PlayStation TV, you can only stream games from a PS4, so sharing it with them wouldn't work because they would need to stream from your PS4 in your house.. So I don't believe there is any possible way that would work.
Ok so ill start off with this, can anyone actually explain how playstation share works? By this , i mean i get what the feature does, im asking how does it make it happen? how can a player who doesnt own a game be able to play it on their ps4 , with someone across the country who has the game and is playing it? I am interseted in how this actually works . Seems to me somehow it streams it to the persons ps4 that doesnt have it? i really dunno just a guess.
Now my reason im asking this is, If a person who does not have a game , is able to play it with someone who does, why cant someone buy a playstation tv , hook it up to a seperate tv from their ps4 , and invite their roommate, wife, brother , sister , someone in the same house to come and join them in a game using playstation share mixed with playstation tv? Instead of having to buy a whole seperate ps4 , why wouldnt this work with a ps4 and a playstation tv in the same house? Im just trying to figure out how all this works. Thanks for any legit answers!
This feature will not be implemented until the v2.0 firmware update on PS4. As of now, nobody is really sure how it works. :(

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