Bad Gamers Ep. 76: The Future of Destiny, the Vita and Ubisoft’s Valiant Hearts


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
On this week's episode of Bad Gamers, Dan unveils rays of disappointment while drinking his peachy clean cocktail from last week, Chandler goofs up every segway with a bottle of Shock Top in hand, and D'yani returns as a special guest to accuse our regular hosts of being weird while sipping on her organic amber ale with half of the label gone. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Bad Gamers episode 76, where these hosts do things pretty badly!

This guy isn't Chandler's dad, believe it or not.

Cliffy B is Back!
Who cares if he can expel butterflies from his bottom? Gears was okay, so maybe he'll do something good and keep from spreading rubbish on the Twitter. I'm in the camp of folks who thought that he wasn't going anywhere anyway, but the PSLS Prophecy Correspondent, @Heath, wrote a little something about that last year.

Is he making an epic game? Who knows?

Shuhei Yoshida Sings the Blues
The Vita still has first-party games in development, so we can stop playing Monster Monpiece during long commutes. This is certainly music to my ears, but I would love to hear about some new AA/AAA content coming that hasn't been announced. We all know that 2015 is going to be the year when a million awesome PS4 games are released, but I would rather hear about the shelf-emptying Vita games in production. What are they?

Powers had a lot of time at E3 to be covered, so I'm not going to talk about it.

Our hero also says that the gap between the PS4 and Xbox One seems to be widening, which is a little discouraging for some of us. I don't mean that I'm mad at Sony for doing well or anything like that. On the contrary, I'm mad at Microsoft for not stepping it up and keeping Sony on their toes. I feel like I say this a lot, but competition drives innovation. Sony needs to continue to sell well above their projections, but Microsoft needs to be closing the gap as this happens, too. I also want Nintendo to enter the picture and become competitive again. The Wii started Nintendo's "we're in our own class" tirade, and I'm kind of sick of that. Nintendo is still a seriously great company with excellent products (congrats on the new 3dsxl, btw, D'yani), so I want to hear their name in the mouths of Sony's and Microsoft's execs as they discuss competitive strategies. The gap is getting to be too wide!

Tenacious Bungie: The Tease of Destiny
Apparently Destiny is going to have a mindblowing ending that where you'll never believe what will happen next in the franchise, complete with better voice acting than we heard during the Alpha release. There is basically no chance of sex scenes in the game after we discovered that it landed a T (for Teen) rating from ESRB, or s-rub (in @Chandler Wood's words), despite an estimated $500 million being quoted for the 10-year entirety of the franchise.

The ending of this game is destined for greatness, they say.

As I said in the comments for one of the linked articles, I had fun briefly playing the alpha, but I hate it when a game sets you up for a sequel at the end of the campaign. This means that there is more story stuff, but they didn't want to let you have it yet since they can just milk you for another $60 next year or the year after. With them saying that the story is already finished and just waiting to be implemented over the next several years, I'm a little concerned over what that means for innovation within the series.

More details in 2 months...

PSLS Game of the Month for June 2014
@D'yani wrote a raving review of Valiant Hearts: The Great War, and Dan wanted to know if the characters are memorable, or how important the protagonist/s is/are. D'yani's answer was that you get to pick between a small motley crew of 6 characters, and you eventually get to choose who your favorite is.

Not just a "boy and his dog" adventure, or is it?

After reading the review and watching a trailer or two for the game, I'm definitely planning to eventually take the plunge and buy it. I think I'm going to play through the new Killzone DLC and Transistor first, but this game is definitely on my radar, despite my looming fear of the feels machine that is said to sneak up on everyone who plays the game.

PSLS Disappointment of the Month
While not labeled as such, I'll call GRID Autosport the Disappointment of the Month, as I was looking for a racing game a few months ago on the PSLS forums and @Dan Oravasaari recommended his preview of this game to me. As it turns out, GRID Autosport is a painful grind and netted a less-than-spectacular score of 6 on PSLS.

To this I say, "DAMMIT!" Like Dan, I tend to immerse myself in these games that are either typically too long or incredibly difficult. Recently, I took a step away from Dynasty Warriors 8 XLCE because of the crazy amount of time that it's going to take to clear all of the content, and that's one of the best decisions that I've made for PS4 gaming. Since then, I've enjoyed Octodad, Contrast, Child of Light, and PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate. I have also spent a bit of time with PS Now (which I'm pretty sure is still under embargo), and I've revisited PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale since two of my best friends picked it up for $5 recently and wanted to play online. Perhaps I'll go back to it after I finish Transistor and get tired of Killzone multiplayer again, but I'm going to definitely steer clear (pun intended) of GRID Autosport. I guess my hopes for Drive Club have now been reinvigorated!

Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark
Dan saw the new Transformers movie and his opinion is, "It's a Michael Bay movie." Thanks for spoiling it for me, Dan. Thanks for telling about the dangers of Jennifer's Body as well. I'll keep away from it. :D

Call me the odd one out, but I actually haven't watched any of the Transformers movies. When I was younger, the idea of giant robots turning into shit didn't really sound that appealing until Power Rangers happened, but growing out of Power Rangers really made things like Transformers sound just as arbitrary to me. Later I discovered anime, but the common "OMG ROBOTSSSS" shtick is still the one that I can't grasp. Thus, Dynasty Warriors Gundam is the least appealing series in the Warriors franchise for me. I just finished the first season of Black Sails (think True Blood with pirates) finally, so works associated with Michael Bay are not a problem for me.
Destiny- bright future
Cliffy b- crime against mankind
Vita- US wise pretty much doomed for now.
Great write up as usual. I did want to apologize for recommending GRID to you, based off the controlled experience I was able to get for the preview, there was no way to know how much they fucked up the final build. The controls for the game are great, and it has a ton of content, but the game simply is not fun in the long run.
Great write up as usual. I did want to apologize for recommending GRID to you, based off the controlled experience I was able to get for the preview, there was no way to know how much they fucked up the final build. The controls for the game are great, and it has a ton of content, but the game simply is not fun in the long run.
No apology needed! :D

"In theory, theory and practice are the same thing. In practice, they are not."
- Some wild-haired scientist

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