Banhammer: IP Edition


PSLS Level: Bronze
Usually the sites I go to act too loose with the banhammer, you go to Escapist forums and next to every thread has a post from a permabanned member but lately someone has made it their mission to ruin the PSLS forums and you guys REALLY need something to defend yourself against it.

I'm a moderator on another forum and I may have brought this up before and I apoligise if that's the case but on that forum you had two choices with members who broke the rules, temporary bans or permabans except the second option here allowed you to ban their ip, for people who don't know what that means (not that it makes you dumb or anything) that means they can't set up a second account from their computer/internet provider.

I recall one of the PSLS staff saying they couldn't do it and it doesn't deter those who really want to bypass it but it could help get rid of some of people like the idiot who's determined to set up 34 pages of what looks like links to scam sites. I really don't want to come off like a jerk here but some people never learn and this guy is one of those people.
this guy is one of those people.

Bots are bots and therefore have no emotions. No restraint required. The banhammer must strike down upon them with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy our forums.

Although, to be fair, the moderation team around here does appear to have started to clean the place up a bit. Now it's just a matter of staying on top of it and trying to prevent further invasions. I forget, but does this forum require a Captcha to be filled out in order to register on it? Could maybe help ward off bots a bit.
Yeah I was reporting all the spammers and I don't think there is a captcha for this site something else they could do with.

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