Destiny Beta Code Giveaway!

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For anyone thinking of accepting a code and then disappearing from the forums, I would think twice about it. Unless you want this to happen to you!

I've actually been a long time lurker here since i transferred from xbox to ps4 last year, only just got the guts to create a account now hehe :D
For anyone thinking of accepting a code and then disappearing from the forums, I would think twice about it. Unless you want this to happen to you!

Do you think I could get their autographs after the beat down? This forum is unbelievable! I get a beta code and a personal visit!
I've been following your Twitter Account since 1 1/2 years , i'm loving your content about ps3 now ps4 and it's always very hepful :) Sometimes i tried to win something in your giveaways but sadly this wasn't the case :( .
And now i'm checking my News Feed and read something about Destiny Beta Codes , i mean everyone says that they are loving the game and they deserve it , i just got to say i'm playing shooter since call of duty 2 was realesed, then i got lost in World of Warcraft :D, and now Bungie made Destiny , i think it's my perfect game / mixture between these two.
Maybe i can get one of the codes.
It's a great idea and good luck for everyone :)
Destiny is one of three games that convinced me to purchase my PS4, and was the most ambitious of the three games to me. I've been following the game since day 1. This is just one of those games I want to dedicate myself to and be apart of as much of it as I can. So I'm here asking for a beta code and would be very grateful for getting access to the beta on your behalf.
I want a code because I've never been more excited for a game than Destiny... Because I've been following it since day one and waited until the Ghost Edition was announced to preorder... But as soon as I preordered, the store I did it at was out of beta codes so now I'm stuck with little to no options!... I've been trying to enter any giveaway I can, and I'm hoping this is the one!
I want a code becuase, i have been following the pslifestyle for a number of years. I have been trying to get a code from contest ever since various contested that had started. I hope i can win a code since i will have to start from scratch saving up in order to obtain the LE and right know the best way is to win a code thanks
I'm hoping to b able to get a code and be able to try out one of the games that will define next gen gaming on the PS4 thanks to playstation lifestyle!
Can someone give me one key please? I'm live in Brazil and here there is no official retailers selling the game yet, the pre-order start to late, I would preordered it if i have the chance. I could do some shit like other brazilians and buy at Best Buy, Amazon etc, get the code and cancell the order following, but hey, our people are already have this kind of "fame" right? Please, Germany fuck us so hard at World Cup yesterday, comforted me fellas, please, give me one code :(
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