DUALSHOCK 4 battery life

If you have or intend on getting a second controller, the PS4 charging dock is really handy. I'm never without a controller thanks to that thing. And it frees up my cord for the Gold headset.
Wish I caught this before I was forced to double post.

Anyway, that particular issue seems like you just didn't have your controllers charged. One controller can more than handle a 5 hour play session. They certainly weren't fully charged if you changed them three times.

Negative, I have 2 controllers and a Charging Dock, they are always fully charged. I think games like inFamous just command much more use out of the controller vs other games. I do easily get a week or so of use out of my controllers with normal usage. But still worse than the DS3's which i can use for twice as long.
Negative, I have 2 controllers and a Charging Dock, they are always fully charged. I think games like inFamous just command much more use out of the controller vs other games. I do easily get a week or so of use out of my controllers with normal usage. But still worse than the DS3's which i can use for twice as long.

I'm sorry, I just can't believe that within 5 hours you burned through three controllers. Unless you have two faulty products, just not possible. Everyone I know get at least that much time out of a single controller. Let alone three.
I still cannot for the life of me figure out how so many people are having issues with battery life on the DS4. I can honestly get 6-8 hours on my single control every single day I use it (and I use it every single day.) That's around 56 hours a week of what is possibly an unhealthy addiction to video games, and I don't see it as a problem. To put it into context my battery on my DS4 works longer than somebody working a full time job, and takes the load for at least 90% of all the time I spend gaming.

When people say they are constantly changing or charging controllers what kind of time frame are we talking about here? I honestly feel there is a gross exaggeration, and very spoiled expectations for a battery life. Even if you spent every waking hour playing video games at most you would have to swap controllers once a day. (Twice in an absolute worse case scenario.) At best it's a first world problem just in the realm of problems you can have with a PS4. Can somebody here help me out and put this in proper context? How many hours per week do people with battery life issues play? How many hours a day? What is a reasonable expectation for how many hours you should get out of your controller? Are you giving it enough time to fully charge? Do you remember to charge your controllers when you are done using your PS4? Where is the real hold up here?

I still adamantly believe that if you game over 8 hours a day every day (not even mentioning consecutive hours.) you not really in a position to complain. Most people don't and I wouldn't expect Sony to cater to the select few that spend the majority of their waking hours playing video games. It's entirely reasonable to have a battery life of 6-8 hours. Calling it terrible is a bit of an exaggeration. The Virtual Boy had a terrible battery life. It took 6 AA batteries and couldn't make it through the Star Tournament of Mario Tennis, or the end of WarioLand, before you had to plug it in with its custom AC adapter that was discontinued shortly after.

the thing is gamers dont count hours like a normal person do xD they ( including myself ) said 2hrs but in reality it's more. so yeah, maybe we're a little nit-picky about that, but cmon why just dont invent a 100hrs battery or a controller that charge's with our own body heat xD
I am finding my controller dying once a day. I play pretty much every day when I get home from work, and I would say I get an average of 6 hours per controller (sometimes more, sometimes less). I always have my controllers on a dock so they are good to go, but I am noticing that I have to reconnect my controller and grab a new one a lot more often than I do when I play PS3. It's not a huge deal, but the battery life is definitely shorter.

The annoying thing is it not making it through a full play session. I have to switch controllers some where in the middle. As my dock is in my TV cabinet, I like to leave my controller on my couch to easily turn on the PS4 without needing to get into the cabinet. But then I end up having to get in there eventually anyway everytime I play. Again, not a huge deal, but it can be mildly annoying.

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