Favorite Aspect of a Video Game


PSLS Level: Bronze
I like hearing opinions on things, and one large one is on what is everyone's favorite aspect of a video game is. What I mean by this is things like story, gameplay, graphics, music, etc. There always seems to be debates and complaints these things, so i'd like to know what aspect is your favorite and why.

My personal favorite aspect would easily be gameplay. One reason for this is because I like to be controlling something while playing a videogame. Plus, gameplay will be a major focus of a videogame, so I want it to be good. Graphics impress me when done right, but aren't usually a priority. Story is something I'll enjoy, but if I wanted nothing but story, I'll turn to Tv/Movie/Anime for that (especially if that game has a media alternative). That is just me though. I'm curious on what others prefer in their videogames.

(just please don't be a dick and hate on others for no/stupid reasons.)
(just please don't be a dick and hate on others for no/stupid reasons.)

Sometimes I have no control over this but I will try my best.. Stupid shitty horrible topic btw, you suck at life :)

Ok seriously, I would say a lot of it depends on of course what type of game I am playing. Seeing as I mostly play RPGs, I would say story. I want to get wrapped up and lost in some mysterious world full of interesting characters and an epic story. I look forward to a good story so much, that I can often overlook gameplay issues and still enjoy the game. A game that comes to mind where the story and characters were enough to help me overlook some graphical and gameplay issues was Last Remnant on the Xbox 360.
Sometimes I have no control over this but I will try my best.. Stupid shitty horrible topic btw, you suck at life :).


Being serious, i can understand at choice. For me, it also is based on the genre, but the fact that it is a video game, gameplay always takes top priority, with whatever the genre specializes in as second (music for rhythm, story for RPGs, graphics for realistic action adventure game, etc.).
Ok seriously, I would say a lot of it depends on of course what type of game I am playing. Seeing as I mostly play RPGs, I would say story. I want to get wrapped up and lost in some mysterious world full of interesting characters and an epic story. I look forward to a good story so much, that I can often overlook gameplay issues and still enjoy the game.
^^^This. Final Fantasy VII has horribly shitty graphics and no analog support, but there are still people who play it once or more every year because they want to experience the story again (or brag about not fully upgrading their materia... or maxxing all of their materia; Gamefaqs has some weird people with weirder challenges).

For me, it also is based on the genre, but the fact that it is a video game, gameplay always takes top priority, with whatever the genre specializes in as second (music for rhythm, story for RPGs, graphics for realistic action adventure game, etc.).
I'm going to say I just want a worthwhile experience. Tetris has incredibly basic gameplay, but I'll play it for hours if it means that I'll destroy the high score that some asshole before set and bragged about. I love the gameplay in Dynasty Warriors, but the way that they constantly polish the story in every subsequent installment is primarily what sells them to me. Katamari titles grip me completely with gameplay because the story (SPOILER ALERT) is almost always the same. I'll probably buy inFAMOUS: First Light just because it's pretty and I do not want to invest the time in Second Son.

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