Final Fantasy XIV Beta


PSLS Level: Bronze

Anyone playing this on PS4 or on PC that has any tips or recommendations for new players.

I will preface that I did not enjoy XI, I am sure that I never gave it much of a chance but never the less it seems XIV has improved in every way and want to give it a chance. I picked up Final Fantasy IV CE on sale during one of the holiday sales for PS3 knowing it would be cross-buy.
I'm seriously thinking about getting it. I have the beta installed just haven't gotten a chance to try it out. Heard great things about the improvements made though.
I really hope you mean XIV, not IV.

A Realm Reborn is absoultely phenomenal. And I'd say the best FF title since IX. (X is good, but it began all the bad stuff.) I've played on PS3, currently play on PC, and played the PS4 beta over the weekend. Going by sheer performance, the PS4 version is the superior experience of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. I love everything about this game. It feels like a Final Fantasy with lots of players instead of giving that usual MMO feel. It draws you in to the universe. The F.A.T.E. system is absolutely amazing and gives a great break in the normal gameplay. FATEs are also an integral part to the game. They tend to focus events around FATEs. They are also key, along with the duties, to leveling up your tertiary & otherwise additional classes after you have consumed all the quests in an area.

I love the class system as well. I have always enjoyed any class sytem across all FF games. Think Tactics when you're unlocking Jobs. If you are looking for graphics, they too are best on the PlayStation 4. Something the PC crowd has their collective panties in a bunch about. I'm happy they can no longer say their games look better than ours. Go check out for more information regarding gameplay. It is definitely worth trying out for that first month. And definitely worth subscribing to.
Fixed your title. As for the game, I really enjoy what I played on PS3, but I find it hard to pay a monthly subscription for a game anymore.
Fixed your title. As for the game, I really enjoy what I played on PS3, but I find it hard to pay a monthly subscription for a game anymore.
Could have swore I had XIV when I wrote it, I probably backspaced it somehow when I edited it.:confused:

Is it too late to enter the beta? How do you get into it? I want to try it out!
No, just download the XIV Beta from PSN on your PS4. and Sign In or Sign Up if you do not have a SqEnix account.
Any plans on upping the cap so we can test jobs? I'd love to see what Dragoon feels like on PS4.
You have to get to level 30 and level 15 on a second class, then you have to quest the moves, and other than that the class feels about the same as the job. So not only would that take a lot of time, you won't really tell that much of a difference till you get close to the cap, and even then all your data will be wiped from the PS4 beta servers I think.
Argh. Freaking love FFXIV:ARR, and love even more to play it on a system which can really showcase it.
You have to get to level 30 and level 15 on a second class, then you have to quest the moves, and other than that the class feels about the same as the job. So not only would that take a lot of time, you won't really tell that much of a difference till you get close to the cap, and even then all your data will be wiped from the PS4 beta servers I think.

I think you are missing the point. We are capped at level 20 on the PS4 beta. So we are unable to get the jobs. I understand full well on HOW to get the jobs. My question was wondering if the beta cap would be lifted soon. Or, if it would be lifted during the second beta on the weekend of the 7th. Which, I believe, it shall seeing as we will be able to use characters pre-existing on our account. Again, I sub to the game and currently play on PC. I full well understand how it all works.
I think you are missing the point. We are capped at level 20 on the PS4 beta. So we are unable to get the jobs. I understand full well on HOW to get the jobs. My question was wondering if the beta cap would be lifted soon. Or, if it would be lifted during the second beta on the weekend of the 7th. Which, I believe, it shall seeing as we will be able to use characters pre-existing on our account. Again, I sub to the game and currently play on PC. I full well understand how it all works.

Who knows to be honest. When they were doing betas for FFXIV ARR I was using my own character... I didn't play much with the test character. You'll just have to wait and see I guess. Plus they change their minds about how the betas go regularly so...

Couldn't give you a definitive answer even if I thought I had one.
I tried to play it but I needed to create a new account and it is a pain on the PS4. They were supposed to send me a code by email to verify something and it never came. I will sign up on my PC this weekend and try the Beta out.
I tried to play it but I needed to create a new account and it is a pain on the PS4. They were supposed to send me a code by email to verify something and it never came. I will sign up on my PC this weekend and try the Beta out.

If you played it before, you shouldn't need a new account. I had played it on PS3, currently play on PC, and I just signed in with my square enix account info.
I needed a Square Enix account.

Gotcha. Personally, this is the best Final Fantasy title since IX. It actually has that FF feel and soul to it. I loved X, but it began the decline of the series. And I just couldn't finish XII-XIII/3. But let's not get off topic here. ;)

Can't wait to play it on PS4. Phase 2 of the beta, which I think is April 7, will let us play with characters we already have on our account. So I get to test my Dragoon out on PS4! Sadly, they are wiping all character data from beta phase 1.
If you can join Hyperion... Join Hyperion... No my group isn't led by Jandsome Jack, but still... join Hyperion.
So, it's suggested to deal with all the account stuff before starting the Beta on the PS4? My friend is on PC, and I wanted to join on PS4. Never really played MMOs, and the monthly fee thing gets me... Any hassle setting it up or trying out the beta would be a huge turn off.
Gotcha. Personally, this is the best Final Fantasy title since IX. It actually has that FF feel and soul to it. I loved X, but it began the decline of the series. And I just couldn't finish XII-XIII/3. But let's not get off topic here. ;)

Can't wait to play it on PS4. Phase 2 of the beta, which I think is April 7, will let us play with characters we already have on our account. So I get to test my Dragoon out on PS4! Sadly, they are wiping all character data from beta phase 1.

Beta cap will probably lift on Phase 2 since that's also the phase current players can import their characters . I kind of feel sorry when people put so much work into their Phase 1 character from the game being so fun lol.

Hopefully when phase 2 is out I'll have all of my AF2 DRG gear
Beta cap will probably lift on Phase 2 since that's also the phase current players can import their characters . I kind of feel sorry when people put so much work into their Phase 1 character from the game being so fun lol.

Hopefully when phase 2 is out I'll have all of my AF2 DRG gear
They might not raise the cap.

I think on the original beta for ARR they let you import your character but characters were capped at 50 UNLESS it was already higher but I don't think you could go any higher.
They might not raise the cap.

I think on the original beta for ARR they let you import your character but characters were capped at 50 UNLESS it was already higher but I don't think you could go any higher.

I remember cap was 30 in the original, and they rose cap to 50 on the final phase before release. They probably won't raise it so that people don't level as fast as people did during the time.

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