Flappy Bird, the games it ripped off, and everything after.


PSLS Level: Bronze
These games are basically the worst games ever. So they deserve 1 thread, all together.

Discuss. Hopefully not since the only strategy is "tap when you reach the top of the pipe, and remember you'll hit a pipe even when you didn't hit a pipe because the hit detection is bad."
Haha. Well isn't the game not available anymore? I thought the developer took it down.
Ya but there are dozens of rip offs, there's Flappymmo.com there's the original game it was ripped off from, and I wanted to make sure there was an official one just incase.

I'd rather not see Flappygeddon hit the mobile section.
The game is badly made, but i think its pretty easy, got to like 20 on my second try, and never played it again. apparently my friends all got stuck around 5.
I don't see the appeal of the games at all, but my daughter loves em.
There is no appeal. There's only masochism.

The game is badly made, but i think its pretty easy, got to like 20 on my second try, and never played it again. apparently my friends all got stuck around 5.

It's not a question about easy or hard, it's just unforgiving. If you are a savant on platformers you'll do great. It's just that the game requires you to flap at the exact right time. It's a horrible game.

The Impossible game is better in every conceivable way except there's no "Cuteness" to it. You're a square that jumps to music and spike pits. The Impossible Game is hard and unforgiving. Flappy Bird is just poorly made and unforgiving, You can die without hitting a pipe because the hit detection is bad.
everytime I see that game and others like it, the Mario brothers theme song from the days of early starts to play.
The game is badly made, but i think its pretty easy, got to like 20 on my second try, and never played it again. apparently my friends all got stuck around 5.
Don't you LIE! I DON'T BELIEVE IT! All these hours I've spent flappy birding...and I only get to pipe number 3!
Don't you LIE! I DON'T BELIEVE IT! All these hours I've spent flappy birding...and I only get to pipe number 3!

Haha, i feel like when people say they can't get past like the 5th pipe or something they are joking, like i feel its harder to believe that
Haha, i feel like when people say they can't get past like the 5th pipe or something they are joking, like i feel its harder to believe that
It's a poorly made game and not everyone is a platforming savant.

Watch people on youtube or play flapmmo games and watch how often people make it past the 3rd to 5th pipe.

It's like 1/100
I'm waiting for an actual swimmy sperm game.

In the mean time...

I would play this. But, they should upgrade it with updated information. There are three types of sperm: Rushers, attackers, and blockers. Weird, I know. But apparently Mother Nature put measures in to prevent the sperm of other males from getting to the egg. So if the female opens those legs so frequently, there is a battle royale going on in those nether regions.

The game would actually be very interesting with game mechanics around those types. ;)
I would play this. But, they should upgrade it with updated information. There are three types of sperm: Rushers, attackers, and blockers. Weird, I know. But apparently Mother Nature put measures in to prevent the sperm of other males from getting to the egg. So if the female opens those legs so frequently, there is a battle royale going on in those nether regions.

The game would actually be very interesting with game mechanics around those types. ;)
Some animals have sperm that goes into the skin so that the female can't lick and suck the sperm out of her if she does't like the male.

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