Friend code sharing!


PSLS Level: Bronze
Staff member
Hey everybody! I just got a 3DS XL to play Animal Crossing (my weakness) and I realized I DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS. So I decided to make this thread so everyone can post their friend codes so we can all get cool stuff in our games.

I'll start.
3067 - 6675 - 2507
The one thing I dislike about the Nintendo handhelds, the friend codes. I don't have mine on me right now, but will add it when I get a chance ;)
I continue to be wifiless at my apartment but my FC is 4570-7604-2534. I play pokemon and monster hunter and have animal crossing.
The one thing I dislike about the Nintendo handhelds, the friend codes. I don't have mine on me right now, but will add it when I get a chance ;)
Yeah I hate that too. Like what, do I have to memorize it or something??! So annoying.

I continue to be wifiless at my apartment but my FC is 4570-7604-2534. I play pokemon and monster hunter and have animal crossing.
Totally adding you.

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